Her face reminds me of the hot fish from Shark Tale
EDIT: See, look
Her face reminds me of the hot fish from Shark Tale
EDIT: See, look
You fight this guy in Elden Ring
Why is 90% of her art just naked people with yee yee ass haircuts in psychedelic hellscapes?
Nah man, creepy
Yaoi hands
Very functional attire. The shoes prevent damage to the soles of the feet. The bands around the arm function as a bracer, keeping the draw string from abrading the arm. The general lack of clothing maximizes flexibility so she can strike this entirely unnecessary pose in her solo run of arrow roulette.
She has some long frickin femurs
Bodied and/or wrecked
You have to admit that if the name needs clarification then it’s not a great name for the community. Either way, I think this art is cool. Other guy’s probably just some stuffy old prat too stuck in their ways to appreciate anything new.
Wrapped around his leg w/ his balls velcroed to it
No, the heart symbol (with that connotation) only comes about in the middle ages. Prior to this, the shape used in art generally referenced foliage.
Smells like depression
A reverse image search comes up with “Boudoir”
This John Woodrow Kelley guy sure likes to paint naked dudes
The fish head variety are hotter
He thinks so, too
Rocket Robin Hood vibe