Not really. Ireland would be annoyed to be included.
Not really. Ireland would be annoyed to be included.
Is this really technology news?
Ok, we’ll let’s keep the plane analogy. If they could run on 50% less fuel, would you invest in airline fuel companies, thinking they will be having bumper sales figures?
Yes, but if they already have lots of planes, they don’t need to keep buying more planes. Especially if their current planes can now run for longer.
AI is not going away but it will require less computing power and less capital investment. Not entirely unexpected as a trend, but this was a rapid jump that will catch some off guard. So capital will be reallocated.
Yes, there are, but minimal physical assets. That’s the point. They likely aren’t even enough to pay employees.
I think you’re missing the point. There are no physical assets. There is users and engagement. That can be used to push a narrative or to sell advertising. As users leave, neither works and there is nothing to sell.
I think it’s a valid point that the concern being raised about tik tok is just as valid with other apps, both from Facebook or Twitter etc and from overseas apps. People are happily giving up their data and don’t see a distinction in how it is being used for disinformation by different state actors. It’s all misinformation.
People are apathetic to the risk, but also don’t see the risk for foreign government snooping as significantly higher than internal snooping.
Even many regional message boards or forums we’re very active. Boards.ie in Ireland was the nerds internet forum. A fediverse before there was one. It was the go to for info about anything tech related or internet culture. Whirlpool in Australia is still the go to for info about internet and broadband, and is still active, if much reduced.
I think employment is based on those seeking work. So if you take time off, you wouldn’t be counted. It’s a balance in the market that stops wage rises and inflation when there is unemployment. It’s obviously not desirable for the individual.
Parasitic more like.
I run a WordPress site but I’m not a developer.
It seems like automatticuses the community for free development and profits from it. They in turn develop and support it, heck they created it.
However, with foss its free for WP engine to use and they dont like it. So they are throwing a hissy fit and making out its about the community and giving back. BS.
I assume it will fork.
Didn’t know that was a thing. Glad to find out. Gives purpose.
No, Ireland is excluded and would want to be. Northern Ireland, is included as part of the UK.
Unless op meant northern Ireland would be upset? In which case they would probably be more annoyed at not being recognised as a country or entity themselves. Sure, some don’t want to be part of the UK, but they recognise the reality that they currently are and their country is called Northern Ireland. This map recognises that and seems inoffensive to Ireland (Republic of Ireland).