What makes you think I wasn’t verbally critical of him? I was telling ppl that were praising him that he seemed to virtue signal and seemed shady back in 2017. I was told I was looking too much into it. But in retrospect…
What makes you think I wasn’t verbally critical of him? I was telling ppl that were praising him that he seemed to virtue signal and seemed shady back in 2017. I was told I was looking too much into it. But in retrospect…
And the US tax payer is going to have to foot the bill on it…Elon sucks goldfish dick
I think having fb on your resume would likely land you another job pretty easily. The point is, when it comes to making personal sacrifices, they aren’t willing to stand up for what’s right even if that’s what they espouse publicly. Also, fb has been a bad actor for some time now, dating all the way back to 2008. Or at the very least, they weren’t doing anything about misinformation that flooded the platform during that time and since.
Just a reminder that a number of fb employees used to clamor on about how progressive fb was. Now let’s see how many of them stick around for fear of losing their high paying jobs.
But when they do…
spez is such a bish
Hopefully his investors finally learn their fkn lesson and stop giving him money so he can be an ass
“How can we prevent deepseek from being adopted bc of the free market and such”
LMAO found the pro-Xi propagandist account
Either you’re brainwashed, are only reading one-sided articles, or you’re an adolescent with little world experience given how confidently you speak in absolutes, which doesn’t reflect how nuanced the global stage is.
I’m not saying capitalism is the best, but communism won’t ALWAYS beat out capitalism (as it hasn’t regardless of external factors b/c if those regimes were strong enough they would be able to handle or recover from external pressures) nor does it REQUIRE negatively affecting others as your other comment says. You’re just delulu.
Remember, while there maybe instances where all versions of a certain class of anything are equal, in most cases they are not. So blanketly categorizing as your have done just reflects your lack of historical perspective.
There are many instances of communism failing lmao
There are also many current communist states that have less freedom than many capitalist states
Also, you need to ask the Uyghurs how they’re feeling about their experience under the communist government you’re speaking so highly of at the moment.
Your u/n pretty much sums up the delivery of your comment
Yep. No matter what demographic the owners and leaders of these companies come from and support socially, their primary goal is to ensure the corporation can always thrive, regardless of what principles they espouse publicly. Even if it comes at the detriment of their own group.
100% hyped by the people who’ve watched a few youtube videos and now claim they’re an expert
And industrialists!
Deeper into the high seas!
Enshitification is inevitable
What happened 2/12?