LMstudio usually lists the memory recommendations for the model.
LMstudio usually lists the memory recommendations for the model.
Static webpage generator like Hugo, probably.
Somebody put a hairy snatch over your face.
But did he get to keep a jar of Howard’s urine?
because they will address big tech
That aged like milk.
Ain’t nobody wanna see that.
The porn is sadly lacking, actuallly.
Palm had front keyboards
A few years from now the standard military ROE will have to teach recruits about "The Maple Teabagging”.
Blue Iris will use pretty Much any cameras including Ubiquiti, has a mobile app for viewing and alerts, and has self hosted AI object recognition using code project. Its entirely off the grid if you want it to be. I know it just saves to folders that you could backup, but it will also do ftp, etc out of the box
Often, ridiculous and onerous procedural security is hiding massively incompetent actual software security or is used to constrain people from discovering security by obscurity holes. Everything I’ve done in government interfacing as a vendor would seem to confirm this, at least back when I was doing it a few years ago. You’d be hard pressed to convince me it’s changed much since.
It just needs a good putsch.
Mexico isnt about to replace TSMCs capabilities.
What I hate is when they want you to store “secret” information like your mother’s maiden name/ first pet name for later verifications. You know these are stored in plain text of course. My own damn government does this stupid shit, and they’ve had several hacks of PII including gun registrations because as far as I can tell, nobody competent works in government IT.
Just get a virtual DID number from something like Voip.ms or virtualphone. There may be other providers out there that use crypto for payment for added privacy, but if all you want to do is be able to keep your real phone # off the grid, these work.
Please, could we move to Known Space?
They have what, 2 models? And in the GPU market, they aren’t even a pimple on the fly on the ass of nVidia or AMD
Who wants to get in bed with Elon so he drives the brand into the ground? How much has Fidelity written down their investment in Twitter, 80%?
Maybe it was 2008 instead of 06? Seemed like it came out very early, I’d only had an account for a year or so I think, shortly after it was opened up outside EDU domains.
Is SAP supposed to be an upgrade?