Excuse me, but ummmm, sorry … but Canadian ICBM eh?
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
Excuse me, but ummmm, sorry … but Canadian ICBM eh?
Agreed, I use it with as few options and extensions as possible. I don’t want to start creating a complex system of notes that will rely on anything specific. I try to stick to the core functions without any extras because of the worry of eventually falling into a proprietary black hole. I keep my foot in just enough to get my uses but not so much that I might get stuck with the software.
This is the same conversation they had with reddit for years. It’s being developed for everyone and we’ll make it open some day. Now look what happened.
I use obsidian but only with the bare minimum knowing that I may have to jump ship at any moment.
If only the US had a cohesive, cooperative, positive reinforcing, mutually benefiting coordinated government organization staffed by people that mutually trusted one another and their leadership for the protection and benefit of their nation.
But the frontier is in the other direction, sir
Titus, all roads lead to Rome … driver … step on it
It was our evolutionary success as a human animal. We were never the fastest, strongest or even the most numerous at the start. But working slowly as a cooperative community, we conquered every liveable space on the planet. We can do the same online.
Another tactic is … don’t spend money on things if you don’t really need to. Why keep spending just to continually spend, spend, spend.
The owners of LLMs don’t care about ‘accurate’ … they care about ‘fast’ and ‘summary’ … and especially ‘profit’ and ‘monetization’.
As long as it’s quick, delivers instant content and makes money for someone … no one cares about ‘accurate’
I’ve been lazy on Mastodon because I’ve been spending all my time on Lemmy … I really should do more there in the future … thanks for the reminder.
That’s hilarious
The greatest thing that social media ever did for humanity was in its ability to allow all of us to talk to each other in an open platform.
Those private corporate platforms have slowly been eroded and controlled to only waste our time and designed to keep us all angry, afraid, anxious and confused.
Open decentralized social media is bringing us back to that era 20 years ago when social media was just starting and people just talked and openly discussed the issues of the day with one another. It doesn’t matter what kind of platform we have or can create, as long as it is decentralized and controlled by people, everyone will always find value in it because it allows us to talk to one another. The greatest thing I’ve ever found in taking part in the fediverse was in connecting to like minded people who want to talk about the important issues of the day without all the distractions of advertising and without having having to give up my privacy or security and have my identity sold to the highest bidder.
I just had a talk with a friend of mine in southern Ontario who lives in a farming rural area. He likes cars and often does searches for used vehicles in his area. In a 200km area around Brantford, there are over 200 used Teslas on sale down there over the past month or two because people are dumping them because they don’t like the brand.
You can’t base their company value on the stock market … you base it on how much power and influence they have over government.
And judging by the amount of stupidly arranged love affair they are having with the government … they should be very highly valued.
Very easy to do but you missed the first weapon … Grug sleeps with Grog woman … who’s to say that Grog or Grog woman were planning on getting rid of Grug in the first place? Now Grog and Grog woman have all of Grug’s things.
Which makes sense as sex is probably the oldest weapon in warfare in human history.
Give anyone the promise of fulfilling their sexual desires or threaten them with exposing their deepest darkest sexual fantasies and they’ll gladly give up every secret they know.
Honey traps do work and no one cares about what it does to relationships or marriages or use them as black mail or extortion … they are meant to get you in the bedroom to ‘loosen you up’ and spill the beans … and bodily fluids.
Sex is always a great way to get people to talk and no one cares if you’re straight, bi, trans, whatever … the whole spying with sex is actually very open and tolerant because the people doing it don’t care about your orientation, they just care about getting you in bed, horny and out of your mind and ready to give up things you otherwise wouldn’t give up.
So many important issues affecting America right now … and the country and its government is fixated and pouring so much energy, manpower, knowledge, education, experience and capability into … renaming something on a map that no really gives a shit about.
Thanks for the reminder … added!
In the late 90s and early 2000s, internet search engines were designed to actually find relevant things … it’s what made Google famous
Since the 2010s, internet search engines have all been about monetizing, optimizing, directing, misdirecting, manipulating searches in order to drive users to the highest paying companies or businesses, groups or individuals that best knew how to use Search Engine Optimization. For the past 20 years, we’ve created an internet based on how we can manipulate everyone and everything in order to make someone money. The internet is no longer designed to freely and openly share information … it’s now just a wasteland of misinformation, disinformation, nonsense and manipulation because we are all trying to make money off one another in some way.
AI is just making all those problems bigger, faster and more chaotic. It’s trying to make money for someone but it doesn’t know how yet … but they sure are working on trying to figure it out.