Close, except it’s himself coming up with the idea. His kids are smarter than that
Close, except it’s himself coming up with the idea. His kids are smarter than that
That’s not correct. “Mining” is a reward structure for people processing transactions. Every transaction costs a lot of energy
That sounds like you’re planning to waste a bunch of people’s time. Not sure what your intent is, but if label it correctly (as AI), few people are going to talk to it like a person, and if you don’t, that’s a dick move and will also get you banned.
If you want to talk to bots just go on reddit or twitter /s
Stil secure it, in case the pigs search your home after arresting you. But don’t take it to a protest
But that requires full subjectivity or an arbitrary set of standards to weigh how left/right everyone is. Not what you’d want in impartial reporting, and fails when you can’t easily characterize parties on a left-right spectrum. Where would the BSW go, for example? Anti-immigration, anti-queer rights, but nominatively pro-workers rights and for wealth taxes?
In writing it’s not clear, but in spoken word you usually stress it like (381 kilometers) *pause* squared, which makes it clear the square applies to both value and unit, (381km)², whereas 381 (kilometers squared) is just 381km²
Flip a coin every time you read an article whether you get quick and easy significant issues
This is good, a peace-focused aircraft carrier can do a lot for disaster relief. Just make it nuclear with onboard large-scale desalination plants, oh my
Once upon a time, before the Nazi killing was reserved for online lobbies, Call of Duty had games take place in World War 2.
They come out swinging, huh
Misinformation & Propaganda
You’re in a thread complaining about a software using a German name for it’s German meaning. Your example for a ‘good German name’ is an English word that has German origins.
Uber is a loan word. Doesn’t matter how your perceive it, that doesn’t make it a more German. So is iceberg.
You’re in a thread complaining about a software using a German name for it’s German meaning (Flohmarkt means flea market). Your example for a ‘good German name’ is an English word that has German origins. Don’t you see how those are different?
‘uber’ is an English word with a German ethnology. ‘über’ is a German word. That’s like saying iceberg is German. u and ü are different letters. They are pronounced differently and change the meaning of words (e.g. ‘Schuppe’ means scale, ‘Schüppe’ means shovel)
über? which you’d spell ueber, if you can’t type ü
Like eBay, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon?
Which is also reasonably close to the German pronunciation (which is something like Flo-marked to an English speaker)
Uber isn’t a German word tho?
For longer missions it helps to be able to re-calibrate, as with dead-reckoning, the errors cumulate