Outside of your instance the rest of Lemmy sees the downvotes on the posts. So it’s not like downvotes are disabled Lemmy wide, you just can’t see them
Outside of your instance the rest of Lemmy sees the downvotes on the posts. So it’s not like downvotes are disabled Lemmy wide, you just can’t see them
GPS depends on a friendly spectrum. I suspect the FCC is preparing for a war where GPS will be jammed, faked, or destroyed.
Ha, i have zero social media footprint other then lemmy… I’ve had identically named people cause some confusion with HR before…
Dunder Mifflin has a combat arm!
I was waiting for the full on modem screams
Anything not related to the browser
They already know, they are just making it user facing.
It also impacts libido
The embargo lifted and my YouTube is flooded
Is generally the community where people alert others to mod abuse
Sure, but one of the benchmarks of a good cryptographic algorithm is to reduce the amount of meta information you can get from a random sampling. Most of the timing attacks are looking for traffic activity to pattern match ultimate source and receiver. If the encrypted tunnel is always exactly 10mbps of cryptographic traffic, then it would be much harder to identify
Imagine a future where you and your VPN connection maintain 10mbps of constant, uniform traffic at all times. That solves the problem too, if the noise is aways high, you can’t see the signal
Your right, its better that these bankers can deny a business its income.
If only there was a digital fungible currency that didn’t require a uninvolved third party to allow.
If a game is illegal in a region, you don’t want to sell it in that region.
That’s the only good reason I can think of.
Lemme tell you about Lemmy, the community of loquacious learning
I just tell people about open source reddit, it’s called Lemmy.
We have to be diligent, and work hard, to keep the fediverse balanced. If it tends to concentrate in a few areas, we might see a tendency to centralize and control.
I’m afraid I only can understand relative sizes in units of Rhode island