I think you’re in the wrong classroom. Government abortion-clinic cellphone tracking software is next door.
I think you’re in the wrong classroom. Government abortion-clinic cellphone tracking software is next door.
I can relate. if you let people tell you what you should do, you will never feel satisfied because there is no consensus. People are addicted to pointing out negatives and telling others what they should be doing. I am an arch user because of imagined people telling me I should.
I realize now I that this has impacted my life in many ways. I am working to uncover the difference between what I want, and what I think i should do because of what my brain thinks people expect of me.
Thank you, Ward Christensen. RIP. I was just commenting on another thread earlier today, recounting my nostalgia for dialing into a small BBS after school and talking to my friends.
I am still running an FX-8320 and it’s fast enough for everything that I need it for. It baffles me to see people arguing about the differences between different Ryzen CPUs.
Spelunky 1 and Spelunky 2 by far. 1000+ hours in each I still never got to the Sunken City :-(
Beyond that: Dwarf Fortress, Road Rash/Road Redemption, Oblivion, The Halos (1-3)