Codeberg got hit with a volumetric DDOS last month too
Codeberg got hit with a volumetric DDOS last month too
We see it over the pole here in Sweden too!
Do these work with European bands? Is it worth shipping to Europe?
The real gulf of America is the gulf that Trump has ripped open between the US and its allies
Do they have 996 in Taiwan? I thought that was just the PRC?
thanks for the review!
Ah, fair. I guess it makes sense that Wall Street is questioning the need for these expensive blackwell gpus when the hopper gpus are already so good?
Nvidia cards were the only GPUs used to train DeepSeek v3 and R1. So, that narrative still superficially holds. Other stocks like TSMC, ASML, and AMD are also down in pre-market.
Bizarre story. China building better LLMs and LLMs being cheaper to train does not mean that nVidia will sell less GPUs when people like Elon Musk and Donald Trump can’t shut up about how important “AI” is.
I’m all for the collapse of the AI bubble, though. It’s cool and all that all the bankers know IT terms now, but the massive influx of money towards LLMs and the datacenters that run them has not been healthy to the industry or the broader economy.
It all makes sense now!
Elon Musk thinks he’s very important
Jokes on them, I have always defederated them
They also have Liberapay, OpenCollective and Patreon:
Right, and wouldn’t the rings be pretty fragile considering how long they are? So it would probably have similar bioactivity as like olive oil.
Space elevator companies seem to think that materials exist that are strong enough, just that they are not long enough.
Very much layman conjecture, but my assumption is that this material is stronger than carbon nanotubes and graphene.
If enough employees join the same union at a company, they can vote to install a union board to negotiate a CBA on their behalf.
This isn’t correct, this sounds like they are thinking of the US’s National Labor Relations Act. In Sweden, the coercive option that a union has to implement a collective agreement (“kollektivavtal”), is only to organize a strike against the employer until a collective agreement is signed.
This is why Tesla employees in Sweden have been in a strike for over a year, and why many unions in Europe are engaging in solidarity blockades against Tesla. As Tesla has refused to sign a collective agreement with its employees, something that would be illegal under the US’s NLRA. Obviously, strikes are very costly for a company, as they must both preserve the positions of those striking, but also buy in labor from non-unionized employees to replace the shortfall. But it’s obviously a worthwhile cost for some people’s political goals, as the Tesla strike nears its second year.
There is also a large loophole in Swedish labor law, where a company can simply sign a collective agreement with another union than the union that the employees are members of. All employees are then banned from going on strike, as they technically have a collective agreement. This is a loophole that Klarna exploited in order to prevent their tech workers from unionizing. I believe that the courts have not yet ruled on whether this is legal or not.
everything is degradable with enough heat
there are plenty of enterprise u.2 and m.2 22110 on ebay