On paper they gave the keys to the Linux foundation, but since they still pay most of the developers working on it the only thing it might achieve is taking resources away from Servo.
On paper they gave the keys to the Linux foundation, but since they still pay most of the developers working on it the only thing it might achieve is taking resources away from Servo.
Things getting blown up below the horizon doesn’t make for good cinematography.
Did they ever solve the issue of helicopters natural state being free fall?
The UK has this weird idea that they are the biggest friendly-rival of everyone in western Europe when everyone seems to see them more like the old-grumpy but mostly harmless neighbour.
It looks like -22F/-30C. The space between “as” and “22” is too large to be a single space.
But they already did that to target ads. Someone found a way to repackage an existing feature for their performance review?
They are also amazing at generating configuration that’s subtly wrong.
For example, if the bad LLM generated configurations I caught during pull requests reviews are any example, there are plenty of people with less experienced teams running broken kubernetes deployments.
Now, to be fair, inexperienced people would make similar mistakes, but inexperienced people are capable of learning with their mistakes.
You can consent to a federation interface without consenting to having a bot crawl all your endpoints.
Just because something is available on the internet it doesn’t mean all uses are legitimate - this is effectively the same problem as AI training with stolen content.
It’s not about the impact it’s about consent.
Visualise it as a 3d graph seen from the top.
Do you think Flohmarkt is worse than Volkswagen?
That’s not an issue for brands. German and Chinese brands are just doing fine everywhere with the possible exception of the two countries in the world where people are not exposed to other languages.
And why should we name things for the exclusive convenience of monolingual English speakers to the detriment of everyone else?
Got it, let’s name it in mandarin then
At least most speakers of European languages will pronounce it close enough to German - though most will not do make the r in markt as hard as Germans do.
Why would English be objectively better than German?
The Nazis used him more effectively to hold the US.
Are you also assuming that the idi… fine individuals that decide the content policy have any idea how Facebook works?
The problem for American tech companies is that they didn’t even try to move to stage 2.
OpenAI is hemorrhaging money even on their most expensive subscription and their entire business plan was to hemorrhage money even faster to the point they would use entire power stations to power their data centers. Their plan makes about as much sense as digging your self out of a hole by trying to dig to the other side of the globe.
Oh look, it’s broken watch is right twice a day o’clock.