Technically it’s the Internet’s conception date, not its birthday.
Technically it’s the Internet’s conception date, not its birthday.
I am a 30 year old socialist furry Linux user on the fedi. But that’s just the exception that proves the rule.
Also since 2015, Google has made it VERY hard to install extensions without the web store. This extends to most chrome derivatives as well.
There are workarounds if you use ungoogled-chromium (Method 2 should work with normal chrome as well).
I’m calling the police.
Elon must be experiencing withdrawal symptoms right about now.
We’ve had .moon and .mars since 2009
Edit: Looks like r/CryptoCurrency has recently acquired the .moon TLD.
Sounds like some sort of decentralized federation of server resources. I don’t know, seems a bit advanced. /s
Eventually, they’ll ban everyone for not downvoting rule breaking content.
That 5.0 out of 5 (1 Rating) seems a bit suspicious. You should leave a review to make it more accurate.
Lemmy even has great web apps (not including the vanilla site).
It’s just missing secure OAuth based logins.
They’re still requiring EA Play or $6 for the bundle on steam.
Too many bathroom breaks.
deleted by creator
They could’ve added this to wordpad if they didn’t kill it.
This is the first I’m hearing of that, but I would assume any project would get sued if they copied any art assets, songs, and trademarks (logos, characters, etc). And at the time, any code they used would be suspect because of the TF2 source leak.
Obligatory IANAL.
Its the anniversary of deciding the Internet was not an unwanted child.