not everybody goes bald, and hair dye is fairly cheap and readily available. this isn’t mysterious or anything.
not everybody goes bald, and hair dye is fairly cheap and readily available. this isn’t mysterious or anything.
nobody should be in a tipped position as anything, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tip when you know people depend on it to put food on their own table. if i can’t afford to tip, i don’t eat out. simple as.
i can hate my boss, and the whole system he’s a symptom of, and be disappointed at the customers for not showing a bit of solidarity, don’t worry.
at the restaurant i work at, we pool tips, and just cause you aren’t eating in doesn’t mean us in the kitchen worked any less hard on it. in fact, it’s more work for me to do to-go orders, but folks seldom tip on them. it is very frustrating to me. had somebody place a $1200 order a couple weeks back, and even split 5 ways, a 15% tip on that order alone would’ve made it a good day, but i don’t think they tipped a single cent.
even if they were breaking tos (and i don’t think it sounds quite so cut and dry), shouldn’t the response be to notify them and allow them to fix it, or just terminate the account? demanding a ton of money to make the problem seems a skeevy way of handling it on cloudflare’s part.
most people who are gonna go bald start going bald before they hit 30.