- It doesnt work that well.
- If they do that then they cant trick everyone into buying new devices, thus helping recoup the untold billions dumped into LLM-based content theft.
Moreover, its not like Ukraine hasnt been pushing for localized tech stack since at least 2016-2018 ish.
What? All Google services have always been corrupt data theft systems.
Theyre not removing it.
They are removing the local storage only and privacy settings around it.
The term open source is not free to redefine, nor has it been redefined.
It was built for the living, free internet.
For all ita dark corners, it was better than what we have now.
Well, no.
Deep Rock Galactic has fully optional skin packs to make money and they’re doing great.
Warframe has been chugging along for over a decade now and they’re doing great. Beating the pants off of Destiny 2 for average player count.
The live service trick is that live service only works if the company actually cares about the product. Those two companies stand out because they legitimately care and have great communication with their communities.
Fair, I have connections to a few that were fairly serious during 2, most of which were in tournies, one of those never bought 3, but the rest gave it a shot.
The ripoff that is S3 seems to be nails in the proverbial coffin.
They killed Splatoon’s grassroots Esport community thanks to them making a quick buck with splatoon 3, that promised a bunch of network functionality improvements that never materialized.
So now, a game that used to have multiple small but growing international tournaments now has nothing. Hell, they used to have tournaments on the main stage at PAX East.
He was selling shit gear for many times its worth, thats all. Sorry, never played PoE for long and uncertain about poe2.
The company behind POE can do it easily with IP address.
E.G. one of the bits is that the character was online and playing while he was on a high profile call with some German Nazis (sorry “AFD”)
The main ones are that for the rank of the character, he would absolutely have to know the game damn near perfectly.
In the video he put out, its very obvious he doesn’t know a damn thing about it.
• As in just blindly autoattacking, even when he doesnt have mana to attack
• Not knowing how the map nodes work, going into a run with a full inventory
• Skipping over all drops including a “Chaos Orb”. Only picks up maps.
• Claiming how bad his gear based on the equip level alone when its functionally tue best possible gear you can get
• The character’s auction house gear sales are classic RMT scammer money trades, where they put horrible gear up for ridiculous prices as a way to move ingame currency around between mules.
Except they are. You ask about Discworld characters and it gives you direct full quotes from the books.
No, they can only take from things in their models.
Moreover, all of them use statistics, typically Bayesian, to get the results. What you get from an LLM is essentially an average* of the model data. This is why feeding LLM output into a model is so toxic, it’s already the average.
Given how they front-loaded the launch schedule and ended up wiping out some of their own game communities(the corpse of Arms say hi from under the former juggernaut that was the Splatoon 2 launch).
The silence on their front WRT games suggests that they might be ramping up for a similar blitz for a switch 2.
It can reproduce an api. Can’t solve actual problems. LLMs are completely incapable of innovation.
I miss the old version of the game.
When it was in dev it had randomly generated animals on the planets. Made each planet more interesting and unique. For an unknown reason it was changed just before the official launch to have 3-4 mobs per planet type.
Steam, for all of the good it did still normalized digital distribution of games. Its normal now that we dont own the games we play they exist on corporate servers, and can be rescinded at the drop of a corporate whim.
Epic exists as an alternative to Steam in the same way that Russia is the world power opposing the US.
Microsoft has been openly against xbox exclusives since at least 2018. They used to brag about it at PAX back then that they were stopping xbox exclusives and that everything was at least going to be PC+Xbox release.
Foldables solve two problems, one consumer and one business.
Consumer problem: phones are unweildly and large. Folding allows optimal screen space in addition to a return to portability.
Business Problem: how to make people upgrade their phone every year when we can make phones that last 5-10 years+ easily? Make a folding phone that will absolutely break within a year or two tops. It is not a negative pattern like pre-1980s spark plugs or modern LED light bulbs that should never burn out but do; so governments have no reason or legal avenue to pursue.