Maybe KCD2 is for you then, it got rid of the fantasy part and has historic figures in it instead.
Maybe KCD2 is for you then, it got rid of the fantasy part and has historic figures in it instead.
An RPG without a story and full focus on gameplay, if you like fighting monsters over and over again it sure is great, but otherwise it lacks alot
And a bunch of them are on mastodon
After a while it’s not cheaper. 2080ti should already perform at the level or above a PS5 and console games don’t get the discounts PC games have plus most indie games aren’t even available on console.
And for real you don’t need a 1000$ card to game up to date AAA games, a 600-800$ PC can play fine at 1080p
Game developers also like to get paid, if early access wouldn’t be an option we would have far less indie games and far more half baked 1.0 releases. No one is forcing you to buy ea titles.
You should look into what this is about
Because the price we pay is determined by the most expensive source, that’s to ensure low costing energy like wind and solar make the biggest profit and get expanded further and faster.
Sounds like you waste alot of time with people who don’t deserve it