lack evidence to add a worthy perspective
That’s exactly the point. “Conservative” most of the time means rollback to segregation and discrimination whereas the only chance of humanity lies within compassion and cooperation.
lack evidence to add a worthy perspective
That’s exactly the point. “Conservative” most of the time means rollback to segregation and discrimination whereas the only chance of humanity lies within compassion and cooperation.
Uwu, daddy?
They were not only trying to run them down - three video showed that the driver downed two ruzzkis, literally.
Got any of that juicy 8k content?
No? Because noone does and noone cares.
Simple rule, non negotiable: If your service only can survive on starving the employees than your service shouldn’t survive.
Same applies to the customers (users if you will): If the aforementioned rule would apply everywhere you easily were able to pay the prices necessary to fully support the employees (because the customers earned enough, the tide and the boats and so on).
As always the answer to this problem is to be found with the greed of the company owners…
Norway is a founding member of NATO and due to its geography guarding the sea passage around the northern edge of Europe against ruzzian and other navies.
The bride looks miserable.
Does this plane mostly consist of wheels? Those tires are very huge.
That statement is technically true.
The billionaire owners are Americans.
So the energy this truck uses is harnessed via mining and loading… Essentially this energy was stored in the ore via geological processes.
This truck uses continental drift as his fuel.
Every sign has its story.
Did he quit his job? And what became of him?
Time for memes about the pending US invasion of Poland.
Toilet paper? Is the 5 monies for a single roll or for a complete pack?
Ah, the proxy Chinese are coming.
It’s the manual. It’s written in a language that only 17 people in the world can read, and they all live in a poor reservation in the glorious US.
There was some hate babbling when that robot taxi company in SanFran published that their autonomous cars were assisted by remote drivers who took over when situations were too complex for the robots.
I think remote support and steering will be the most reliable and practical way those tasks will be handled for the foreseeable future. How much assistance the cars will need may diminish but I don’t think they will ever be able to work without any human assistance.
I tried to read the lines before I realised there are squares.
Ruzzkis have ammunition?