Luckily due to the nature of open source being what it is, even if they did choose to close the source the last revision can just be forked and continued from there by the community akin to what happened with Emby/Jellyfin
Luckily due to the nature of open source being what it is, even if they did choose to close the source the last revision can just be forked and continued from there by the community akin to what happened with Emby/Jellyfin
Sorry for the lack of clarity.
1000% the company.
I’ve never seen a company SO devoted to get me to not use their service. $2-$3 a month is worth not seeing ads in my mind. They’ve made their website SO user hostile and their prices are just too damned high to justify paying them - I can just go without.
what a stupid hill to die on
I love you.
“excellent customer service” is a really weird to state “monopolistic practices”