The search term to find it is autologon, but as everyone has mentioned, this is a last resort and JF should just be run as a service.
I am a Meat-Popsicle
The search term to find it is autologon, but as everyone has mentioned, this is a last resort and JF should just be run as a service.
kbin obviously!
If by not linked you mean wholly owned by…
The Mozilla Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation, works with the community to develop software that advances Mozilla’s principles. This includes the Firefox browser, which is well recognized as a market leader in security, privacy and language localization. These features make the Internet safer and more accessible.
I suspect their financial position has changed. Perhaps Google’s being found as a monopoly has made them decide not to help fund Mozilla’s efforts as substantially.
Ashley Boyd lead the advocacy team, here’s the kind of stuff they were doing:
In fall of 2016, Mozilla fought for common-sense copyright reform in the EU, creating public education media that engaged over one million citizens and sending hundreds of rebellious selfies to EU Parliament. Earlier in 2016, Mozilla launched a public education campaign around encryption and emerged as a staunch ally of Apple in the company’s clash with the FBI. Mozilla has also fought for mass surveillance reform, net neutrality and data retention reform.
“The Mozilla Foundation is reorganizing teams to increase agility and impact as we accelerate our work to ensure a more open and equitable technical future for us all. That unfortunately means ending some of the work we have historically pursued and eliminating associated roles to bring more focus going forward,” read the statement shared with TechCrunch.
Reading between the lines, I’d keep an eye on them collecting your data and consider one of the privacy-focused forks.
Searx is fancy about it though, It queries everybody and gives you the results that came back from multiple places. This effectively eliminates ads, AI, and unless they all missed it, spam.
My 7th gens are just starting to become a problem for gaming.
I never stopped. I have streaming video and audio subscriptions, But I’ve never stopped keeping up my catalogs.
Every time I get over invested in one company or another they end up going out of business or selling and reducing half of their catalog. I’ll give d+ their sub for Agatha, I’ll give Hulu their sub for Futurama. When Wednesday comes back I’ll swap D+ for Netflix for the season again. But every single one of those episodes still goes to my local archive The same as if I would have recorded or a VHS tape in the '90s.
You have to own that shit it’s the only way you can expect them to ever own it.
Within reason, I have to hold myself accountable to the same level I expect them to.
It’s all a big balancing act. Getting enough discipline in to make them responsible without using so much the lie to you and hide stuff.
I wasn’t raised that way, I want to do better by them.
Hell, even not having lidar The thing was pretty clearly a large road obstacle a second and a half out. They had a whole left lane open At least enough time to do a significant speed reduction.
I’m really surprised they haven’t managed to push Azure Linux into the fold. Release a desktop version, Find some way to make attractive for all those Windows 10 people ready to walk away. Then just slowly fold all the bullshit back in. They could even bring the gui completely Windows 10esque
The CCP does have absolute control over the Chinese manufacturers though. Any a data available to the manufacturers has to be readily available to the government. It’s really weird when external companies want to do business in China they need to have a partner company in China that handles all of their data inside the country to cover the government regulations. They really don’t go halfway on that firewall of China thing.
You can find electroboom in Big Clive on there.
Outside of that it’s pretty much a write off
An entire engine? That sounds like a marketing plot. But if you take smaller chunks let’s say the shape of a combustion chamber or the shape of a intake or exhaust manifold. It’s going to take white noise and just start pattern matching and monkeys on typewriter style start churning out horrible pieces through a simulator until it finds something that tests out as a viable component. It has a pretty good chance of turning out individual pieces that are either cheaper or more efficient than what we’ve dreamed up.
Honestly it’s not too surprising it’s better at searching than being or Google and it’s better at rewording things than most government employees
And then they can ask it for a picture of a koala with a chicken’s head deliver.
What else does a government worker need?
It’s not like they have a lot of election choices, I’ve kind of got a one-party system going on. They can vote for me or they can vote for my wife but they’re getting the same thing either way.
The problem is, they’re eventually going to determine what kind of nursing home I go to. If Roblox buys me chicken pot pie Thursday I’ll considerit a win
I have an unraid with a 2070 super passed, but all the hardware here is 7th/8th gen. They’re barely scraping by on doors/obbys with baremetal :)
Maybe next year they’ll get some upgrades with Debian attached :)
“The AI assistant will be able to handle everyday tasks like searching the web, making purchases, and booking flights without user intervention.”
If they wouldn’t have turned their search engine into a piece of dog shit, I wouldn’t need an AI to do four web searches and collate them to find what the hell I’m looking for.
I do not want automation around making purchases, especially not an AI from a marketing company. Jarvis what’s the best dinglebopper I can buy on the web? Query1: which manufacturer is paid us the most money, Query2: which web searches say that that manufacturer has the best product?
It’s been a little while since I tried last thing I tried was the bottles method and it was not going well.
I’d be willing to give it another shot, But if I do find something else that works I’ve got to make sure that continues to work. If somebody changes something and They miss out on a Halloween or a Christmas live event I’ll never hear the end of it.
They’re not on the finest of boxes and a lot of the Roblox games actually need some decent resources.
When we get closer to the drop dead date I may give it a shot. I’m kind of hoping Roblox will get around too not being pig-headed about it.
Context for the masses…
”Strabismus (crossed eyes) is a common eye condition among children. It is when the eyes are not lined up properly and they point in different directions (misaligned). One eye may look straight ahead while the other eye turns in, out, up, or down."