The fact that the reply used “hieroglyphics” and cats have been pulling this shit longer ago than those were used as written language… And said poster’s argument was that “someday” that wouldn’t be the case?
Have they met a fucking cat?!
The fact that the reply used “hieroglyphics” and cats have been pulling this shit longer ago than those were used as written language… And said poster’s argument was that “someday” that wouldn’t be the case?
Have they met a fucking cat?!
Not on your phone, though. That’s just ambush after ambush. Statistically, IRL there a higher chance of escape in that analog.
(Hol’ up. What’s a double entendre that’s not sexual called?)
The bar is no longer “up here”.
“How about a nice cup of Liber-TEA‽!”
Your logical fallacy is showing, kiddo.
Some real whingy incel energy offa this one, bud. You ok?
on PS3
Found the problem.
Oh, sweetie. What you don’t know speaks volumes with confidence.
The title literally doesn’t, and it’s a shitty attention grab, nothing more. 🤌🏽
… [Title]+[pic of nothing mentioned in such]== shit journalism.
That’s not her name, though…
Your argument’s logical fallacies are as transparent as the author’s… That’s uncanny.
Plot twist! OP is actually the “author”, Corbin Davenport. 😱🤫
(Judging by their replies here, you’re 100% spot on.)
"If you can’t take me at my wors—”
Yeah, no. Cheers, psycho. bounce
That’s a frank, honest, and rather helpful critique. At this stage of exploration here, much more could be discouraging, so that’s great!
To OP: The whole piece is a confident result of hours in this style, and clear focus on a few key elements of it. Keep working on those and try out new concepts within the style as you progress. Have fun, and keep up the good work! 🤌🏼
I wish I were in the timeline he’s still alive in.