I wouldn’t do that. Splashing hog fat would hurt.
I am a person online.
I wouldn’t do that. Splashing hog fat would hurt.
I don’t. I don’t necessarily think they’re French either tho, but France, Spain and Chile each have a better claim to it than Belgium.
Idk, I could be wrong but I think it’s a bit different since Roman identity was stronger in all parts of the empire, there wasn’t a class of colonist and a class of colonized, or such a clear cut divide between the metropolis and the colony.
It must’ve been a bit depressing being an educated eastern Roman living in Constantinople at this time, looking at all maps and comparing your country’s state to that of the time of, say, Justinian.
Good old Basques/Vascons never doing like the others !
Big Papua
Dln’t quote me on this, but from what I’ve heard, the Mercador projection became standard because it’s good for navigating since qit conserves angles. Draw a strait line depicting your current trajectory and another the trajectory that would get you where you want, measure the angle between them, and that’s the actual angle you need to turn.
Wait till it learns to hate…