Satanic Panic but this time about pedophiles.
These laws will be used to restrict information, not to protect anyway, don’t delude youraelf.
Satanic Panic but this time about pedophiles.
These laws will be used to restrict information, not to protect anyway, don’t delude youraelf.
100% albanese has some cushy job on a board linen up for when he loses to the potato man. Its all bread crumbs and spectacle
give another billion to the arms dealers albo, ‘department of defence’ lol, fucking disgrace
Its possible to have back and forth conversation on a wikipedia user talk page, are they banning wikipedia too? The comments section on a news website? Desktop email clients and hotmail accounts?
I can’t see a way where this doesn’t end up being used to restrict information from wider society. Even just banning kids from the internet, is restricting millions of people who deserve to be able to access the resources on the www
Anti-communism is the root of fascism
Yes it is hard to imagine loving someone who doesnt make your peepee hard, youre so right!
your chauvinism is showing, as per usual, go on though, tell me its just a joke or something
I never liked the microblog format so while I’ve had acouple masto accounts since 2016 I never used it. But i also never used twitter.
I just checked and theyve banned my private subreddit for lack of moderation
Reminder: if you have american citizenship, all support everything those fucko’s do
I had to teach some zoomers how to send an email, especially about using bcc, pretty funny I have to say
People always told me I was going to have my brain poisoned by my gameboy, television, my computer. I turned out fine!
protip, you can watch a movie by yourself, hitchhikers is a fun little romp.
The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy film was released 19 years ago, the story itself is over 40. Dont be surprised if lots of people dont know about it lol
Love that youve made Preston, one of the few POC characters in FO4 white, well done
I will not be shedding a tear if people no longer have to work in such a soul crushing menial job. Fuck around and findout what happens millions of people lose their jobs all at once.
but anyway this is just some more ai hype stock manipulation shit.
I imagine the australian government is going to try and get us to register to use the internet, can’t wait, so exciting.