No ransom. This might be someone’s hobby project but it is dangerous, or will be, to the handful of dweeby, fake-ripped broligarchs that want to control ALL of our conversations.
No ransom. This might be someone’s hobby project but it is dangerous, or will be, to the handful of dweeby, fake-ripped broligarchs that want to control ALL of our conversations.
And the board is probably afraid to fire him now too.
That might have been me.
Y’know, it really takes the fun out of my overly broad and unnecessarily spiteful pronouncements when you force me to contemplate real stuff like that.
Anyone stupid enough to be using edge on purpose deserves what they get at this point.
I still have mine too, and really for the same reason. It is such a great design, and the aesthetic of a water-smoothed river stone was really cohesive. The Pre was all smooth lines and soft curves. Just gorgeous.
It was such an innovative Mobile UI for its time, and the physical slide-out keyboard of the Pre, was a really satisfying typing experience. These days, people take for granted that they can dismiss an app by simply “flicking” it up and off the screen on your mobile phone, but that whole visual metaphor and activity came from WebOS. It felt like the first true multi-tasking mobile phone. shucks I miss it.
Remembering the BlackBerry keyboard leads me to remembering the Palm Pre, which had so much potential. In many ways, still my favorite phone ever. It’s sad to see WebOS reduced to Smart TV shit.
If I infer from context clues, quote dunking is commenting disparagingly to frame the quoted tweet? I left Twitter in like 2011.
Also meaningfully different, unless there is an executive order or it’s anglo-equivalent I’m unaware of. Many languages have a name for other countries that is different than the name those countries give themselves. Shall we use Germany itself as an example? How do you say South Africa in German? Südafrika, not Republic of South Africa, Republiek van Suid-Afrika, or any other the other 11 official languages from that country.
Okay, sure, but that’s just a translation of South and Africa and everyone knows Germans physically cannot resist compound words, so how about France?
It ain’t République française, or even Französische Republik. It’s Frankreich. This stuff generally happens organically and language develops slower than politics, as evidenced by Frankreich. That’s a lot different than this Executive Order. That’s an imperial move.
Is it no different, or is it different in a kind of huge obvious way? Denali is US property. The gulf ain’t.
I just started playing this based on a similar thread I saw earlier this week, and I haven’t put it down. It shows its age but it is an fantastaic and absorbing game. Easy to switch between mission focus and just killing Nazis for fun.
You must be exhausted.
There would be plenty of material all over the place but none of it usable.
Multiple counties in Illinois voted in favor of exploring secession from the state because they don’t like how Chicago turns the state blue. It would definitely be a red state without us.
Pleased and surprised to see Philippines so well represented but surprised it isn’t a larger asian country like Japan.
This is beautiful but I really want to Photoshop a PS5 controller into her hands.