At least most nsbm sucks and/or have names like “ss wehrwulf division 1488” so it’s usually really easy to avoid.
Still, be great to have another tool to filter bands.
Edit: looks like it’s going to be based on musicbrainz metadata, checked Burzum because Vikernes is a Nazi and Peste Noir, neither of which have an nsbm tag, nor do Grand Belial’s Key or an actual band called Wehrwolf, probably because of how niche black metal is.
I’ve personally used this list as a place to start, not perfect but it’s something. Metallum lyrical content helps as well.
Oh for sure, there’s exceptions to the rule, I’ve been fooled too. Peste Noir, Drudkh, Deathspell Omega, Burzum all end up on essentials lists, definitely contributes.