PowerPoint is seldom used in the Mafia because of all the bullet points.
PowerPoint is seldom used in the Mafia because of all the bullet points.
Some minor formatting issues. I noticed that none of the cases ended up with someone being arrested, which seems odd. Are they being protected somehow? Are those who are supposed to provide oversight worthless or corrupt themselves?
Maybe the person only heard of the murder, saw some pictures, and didn’t know about all the “justice warriors” foaming at the mouth. I know plenty of people who hardly use the Internet and certainly don’t go on any social media platforms, even Facebook. We can’t expect every single person to know all the details.
Why blame a business for the actions of one person?
They sometimes use the IP of others and it can be a real headache or impossible to get permission from everyone.
I consider reporting systems to be a trap. It’s a way to get rid of whistleblowers who are not part of the groupthink. There needs to a harsh spotlight on the failings of such systems. Too bad that those who can and should do so typically don’t want to. Lawmakers are beholden to the ka-ching and the public only cares for a short period of time, if at all. The only way these institutions are affected is by cutting their funding.
Recently, another innocent app, Notepad, also got some AI features.
Dude, you just talked about Notepad. You are thinking of Microsoft Paint. Your article needs to be proofread.
Biometrics are what you have and a password is what you know. I can record you and look at you or even grab a part of your body (e.g., for fingerprints) but it’s not possible to read your mind.
I have not tried Linux Mint though I have been thinking about it for a long time. My best bet is to make the experience so close that she doesn’t have to do anything different. She’s a bit burned out on all my tinkering.
I find myself unable to explain it. I had it earlier but I am tired and frustrated and not thinking clearly. And if I am unable to explain it then it doesn’t really matter.
She knows Windows. I have thought of asking again but Linux isn’t exactly known for user friendliness, no matter the distro and WM.
I agree with using FOSS when feasible.
I don’t disagree with you. It’s just that it’s not black and white. Your boss says no, you don’t try to go around. My wife says that she will only use Windows, yes dear. I use Debian, Raspbian, Windows 10, and Windows 11. Windows 10 feels the most comfortable and has the best compatibility. But yeah, I’m not a fanboi.
Or I can determine multiple interpretations. I’m a master at puns and that takes the ability to detect alternative meanings or phrasing and how they can relate to each one. “If you’re not patient you might become one.”
Even if they are backtracking with egg on their face
Your comment can be read in more than one way.
I’m not sure how it could be a bug but I notice a lot of complaining(1) and calls to move to KeePass. It reminds me of the complaining(1) about Windows and how everyone should move to Linux. Lemmy was itching to torch BitWarden. We seem to have a mob mentality, with little ability to consider possible explanations and multiple factors.
Are they backtracking when they have stated that it’s a bug?
For $5M you can have all the chicks that you want… I joke that my wife keeps me in check and I keep her in cash.
ACAB? C being Companies.