Here’s Active Directory, you’ll figure it out.
IT jack of all trades. Licensed pillow fort architect.
Here’s Active Directory, you’ll figure it out.
Of course :-)
I think the main thing here is to use your own domain, which means you can point it at whatever host you want, whenever you want. Inbox.eu has worked well for me, it’s simple but also cheap and from the EU :-)
It’s one domain per mailbox with 5 aliases per mailbox.
True, though this applies to most tools, no? For instance, I’m forced to sit through horrible presentations beause someone were given a task to do, they created a Powerpoint (badly) and gave a presentation (badly). I don’t know if this is inherently a problem with AI…
I played Morrowind back in the day and I completely agree, I couldn’t play it now, just don’t have the capacity. The journaling in that game of specific quests was pretty bad, as was the horrible leveling system.
Exactly - I find AI tools very useful and they save me quite a bit of time, but they’re still tools. Better at some things than others, but the bottom line is that they’re dependent on the person using them. Plus the more limited the problem scope, the better they can be.
I’ve been using my own domain pointed at Inbox.eu. They’re based in the EU and I haven’t had any problems, I pay for 2 users, the price is something like 12€ per user per year, so it’s cheap enough for me.
I mean, for Morrowind at the time I played it, I probably didn’t even realise modding was a thing, I must have played it around 2005 or so :-)
Thanks, I think I needed to read this today.
I remember playing both Morrowind and Oblivion with like a ton of notes on how exactly to level up my character, not to min/max but to keep the game from scaling the difficulty too much.
I’d rather see a remake of Morrowind over Oblivion, though. I have the game on GOG but I don’t have the time in my life to go through all the mods to make it playable (especially getting the journalling system up to par with modern games).
I’ve heard it said that Excel is the second best program for everything. DB? Excel. CRM? Excel. Word editor? Browser? Calendar? Doom? Yup, you guessed it.
Just like Outlook, which my users essentialy used as a file storage… Sadly I’m not joking that when the first SSDs came out I had a user who I installed an SSD in his PC just to put his stupid PST files on, because having them on a HDD would cause his Outlook to have a meltdown.
I’m so happy I don’t have end users any more…
Just to point out that on Win11, Notepad also:
I use a bunch of text editors / note taking apps regularly (or semi-regularly) and Notepad is one of them (among others also Notepad++, VSC, Obsidian, Geany, Notion…).
Thanks for mentioning Notepads, never heard of it but it looks interesting. I already use quite a few different note taking apps, but still often start with Notepad when I don’t know where the info will eventually end up…
Why? I mean, one of the main features of generative AI systems is to generate text (the quality of which I won’t get into), why not add this to something like Notepad. I agree that Notepad should be thought of as a lightweight, well, notepad, but still might be useful as a quicker alternative to Word.
The fact that Microsoft is trying to shove Copilot down our throats at every possible step is idiotic, I agree, but having an AI as part of a notes app doesn’t seem too weird.
I’m pretty sure this is a thing all over the world. There used to be quite a few job ads on fiverr and similar places for people to read text from various languages out loud. I wonder why?
Last time I looked (granted this was 7 or so years ago), it was pretty hard to find much, especially in English. Though German was worse, there were a few on-line retailers but because of (I’m guessing) copyright, they wouldn’t sell outside of Germany.
I’d love to find a good alternative to Amazon…
IDK, the fuckass kind of gives it a ring, you know? Maybe fuckass Gulf of Mexico?
This is true for all of IT. I love IT - I’ve been into computer for 30+ years. I run a small homelab, it’ll always be a hobby and a career. But yeah, for more and more people it’s just a job.
Came here to say “No shit, what else is new” but you’re absolutely right, this is for people who don’t follow tech news.
I used to spend tons of time on forums 20 or so years ago. Social media killed many of those off, but there’s no reason that something else can’t do the same thing - be it Lemmy communities or something else.