Too damn close to tankie (TANK-ie), hard pass.
Too damn close to tankie (TANK-ie), hard pass.
I’m not surprised. The argument at the time was that they needed users to be inside their own app and anything less was unacceptable.
Gotta gobble up dem user metrics, I guess.
Solid argument. Go you.
I mean, you lead with “logging out is hard so I have no choice but to have a single user”. I countered with “it’s not hard, we do it just fine, here are mechanics that make it fairly easy”.
If you don’t understand that closing the tv app stops showing the tv app I’m not sure how to help you.
I have been using a single Apple TV in a multi-user home for many years, I think you’re overselling the difficulty here. Virtually every app will just ask you what user profile you want to use when the app opens; and when you’re done, closing the app is simple.
It’s far more obnoxious to need to browse every single app for their content rather than having a single unified watch list and closing an app when you’re done.
Apple provides a system for apps to expose their shows to the TV app; effectively every app other than Netflix uses that system but Netflix intentionally removed themselves from it.
Which effectively removed Netflix from my viewing habits because I use the TV app to manage all of my other apps/subscriptions, and because Netflix doesn’t show up I never consume their content. I still think it was a really stupid move on the part of Netflix.
Yes please.
Managers usually love to say they, too, coded back in the day, but they didn’t, they wrote some small scripts and thinks everything is easy like that so why not use AI, and why is it taking long to fix that bug?!
To be fair, some of us were real developers with real experience; you just don’t tend to hear us making claims about how easy dev work is and how AI is going to take over all the coding.
The comment I replied to wasn’t cheering on a murderer.
The comment I replied to was trying to convey that an impoverished person may feel like the reward money for turning in a murderer outweighs any moralizing over the murder itself. That the dollar figure could be literally life changing and they may feel they have no option but to turn them in.
And people downvoted that. Hence my shaken faith in people’s ability to empathize.
The downvotes on this really make me question my faith in humanity.
I suspect this is a natural result of having much more limited time as we become adults. I used to love all kinds of games too, but today if I feel like a game doesn’t respect my time it gets thrown right onto the “no thanks” pile.
Yeah this is still true as far as I know. Honestly this is probably what allowed BS to gain a foothold; I like mastodon too but asking new users to pick a server was always going to be a source of adoption friction.
I love this. Full stop.
We need more clean, minimal design like this across the web.
Yeah I’ve been a Kagi subscriber since they opened up. My normal usage is perplexity when I want details about a topic summarized and Kagi when I am looking for a website.
Kagi also has some ethical concerns; like a shitty attitude towards compromises to support human safety (refusing to add suicide prevention links comes to mind) but the perplexity guy just took it to another level.
I assume that they’re still benefiting from your use via analytics and training data.
Damn. I liked Perplexity. Sucks to delete it, but this guy can fuck directly off.
I have one of the kobo Libra color ereaders, the saturation is definitely muted and there is a bit of a screen door effect but overall it’s pretty cool.
I did hate the screen door at first though, like a lot. Curious to see one of these in real life. The online reviews of the Libra basically overlooked the negatives and now I’m skeptical of everything haha.
All I want is “follow system theme” for us light mode at day, dark at night fellows.
Safari definitely gets more hate than it deserves. I find it to be perfectly acceptable.
I would prefer more competition though, even though I know today it’ll be a ton of “cram some AI into it” slop.