Those who are against banning TikTok must be happy now? You’ve got President Trump on your side.
Those who are against banning TikTok must be happy now? You’ve got President Trump on your side.
The problem is not the government got to choose - in a functioning democracy, the government would represent the will of the people.
The problem is this democracy is fucked.
XiaoHongShu was founded in 2013, Facebook was founded in 2004…
Your sense of time is a bit warped…
If anything goes slightly wrong I die instantly you say? I need to sign up NOW
this is a direct consequence of the Supreme Court overturning the Chevron deference back in June. the appeals court has to apply the law. so you know who to blame.
expect more cases like this in coming years…
i read the original on weibo and he appears to be (to me at least) fully serious. tried to invoke nationalistic pride as well
it’s funnier than thu. there is a Chinese mobile app also getting review bombed because its logo resembles astro bot.
it’s like two bears fighting for the right to eat me alive 🥲
pretty sure enemy of my enemy is still my enemy
he was an important informant in an OpenAI lawsuit
have a look at this guy’s twitter: https://x.com/pepmangione?lang=en
if you check out his twitter, seems to be your typical toxically masculine techbro… kinda disappointing
most likely because this device is mainly for wifi use, and/or limitation of the SoC.
They might be right but I read some of the linked articles on this blog (?), the authors just come off as not really knowing much about current AI technologies, and at the same time very very arrogant.
Yeah this Tesla owner is dumb. wdym “we just need to train the AI to know what deer butts look like”? Tesla had radar and sonar, it didn’t need to know what a deer’s butt looks like because radar would’ve told it something was there! But they took it away because Musk had the genius idea of only using cameras for whatever reason.
Well, I never argued for not sanctioning them. I just think it’s kind of fucked either way - if sanctions work, they start hating sanction imposers and band behind the dictator; if sanctions don’t work, then obviously they are going to praise the dictator for his good work. It’s lose-lose.
And I don’t know if you have noticed or not, unfortunately, the sanctions aren’t working that well… Maybe the answer is more sanctions? idk
Yeah, did US added more sanctions?
Sure… Their anger will be directed at Putin, not at who actually imposed those sanctions.
I am worried that these sanctions will make them band together and support Putin even more.
I already use fediverse an unhealthy amount, if I do more I might die.