Good on him for not falling for the MAGA bulldust and trying for the third option
Good on him for not falling for the MAGA bulldust and trying for the third option
Not Centralia but Hazlewood in 2014. Thought I’d use a more recent and closer to home image
Thanks man. I appreciate it.
100% about the hypocrisy. Agree to disagree on citizen responsibility levels as it may differ in our respective countries. Freedom of assembly is something I hold dear to my heart.
Yanks can’t complain about China blocking shit if their own government is doing the same. It’s like 2 brothers arguing about who annoyed who first. Shame Gaia can’t just tell them both to be nice to each other.
That’s what I’m doing
It’s not ok that the CCP block foreign apps either. Now that the yanks are blocking Chinese apps they can’t complain about the CCP blocking theirs.
Link works for me. I won’t give them any money though
Only took the best of us to leave 🤣
Anyone got non paywall
You’ve never eaten a real pizza if you’re listing domino’s
This. Unionise people. It’s a benefit for all