I’m just glad they’re still distracted with torrents…
Husband, Father, IT Pro, service.
I ask a lot of questions to try to understand how people think.
I’m just glad they’re still distracted with torrents…
rawdawg some torrents
LOL! Did you spray 1’s and 0’s in their face when you were done?
Good comments.
Do you think there’s still a lot of traditional or legacy thinking in IT departments?
Containers aren’t new, neither is the idea of infrastructure as code, but the ability to redeploy a major application stack or even significant chunks of the enterprise with automation and the restoration of data is newer.
Lol, even in 2024 with free VPN/overlay solutions…they just won’t stop public Internet exposure of control plane things…
Blank check
Funny how that seems to often be the case. They need to see the consequences, not just be warned. An ‘I told you so’ moment…
Dont we all use centralized management because there is cost and risk involved when we don’t.
More management complexity, missed systems, etc.
So we’re balancing risk vs operational costs.
Makes sense to swap out virtual for container solutions or automation solutions for discussion.
Yeah, that’s pretty risky for this point in time.
I guess the MBA people look at total cost of revenue/reputation loss for things like ransomware recovery, restoration of backups vs the cost of making their IT systems resilient?
Personally, I don’t think so (in many cases) or they’d spend more money on planning/resilience.
Seems like your org has taken resilience and response planning seriously. I like it.
Why do companies feel like that have to try and do everything?
Why can’t you just ‘stay in your lane’ and be good at what you’re good at.
Their idea is that is hides all the user info from advertising companies. Downside is your browser is an ad slot machine.
Which is best?
Tracked or ad machine?
I’m more surprised people aren’t talking about the fact that since it’s running on the client side, someone would just figure out a way to hack and block all the ads even easier.
Won’t someone please think of the investors…!