He sucks, but it was such a good set-up for a shitty Dice Man style joke, I couldn’t resist.
He sucks, but it was such a good set-up for a shitty Dice Man style joke, I couldn’t resist.
An emotional box? Enough about my wife!
Just came from another thread detailing them walking back the skin=class change. Glad to that’s being fixed, as that’s definitely the most egregious issue, but I’m very disappointed to hear the gunplay is less impactful. That was KF2’s biggest strength imo, esp as a Commando main when I played it frequently. Popping domes in slo Mo was art.
You asked why Europe doesn’t do the thing that you think they should do. They explained why it is economically, politically, and diplomatically fraught. They didn’t challenge anything you said, they merely provided additional context, which was what your post specifically requested.
The one I had while waiting for the rotator flight to get me the fuck out of Afghanistan after a year of rations and dining facility fare. It may have been marginally better than BK at your local franchise, but, as the other poster is saying, the overall quality of the meal is not important in this particular context. It being a shitty fast food hamburger is its appeal.
4 was something of a departure from the formula, wasn’t it?
HoMM2 was my game from the series. For whatever reason, I never really progressed past that one, even though I had heard 3 was the consensus favorite.
Yes. The United States Board on Geographic Names is the group within the Department of the Interior which handles these matters. They are a part of the executive branch. I suspect that you can follow a chain of delegated authorities through that board, up the civil service hierarchy, landing on the desk of the President.
This is an example of the system not accounting for, or being ambivalent about, the election of someone to that office with a fascist ideology.
Cause it doesn’t matter if they are still profitable. If you aren’t MORE profitable than your last outing, then you aren’t growing, and if your business isn’t growing, it’s dying.
However, I wonder if the premise is flawed here. In 1999, you could probably get a somewhat accurate idea of a game’s profitablity by comparing dev cost vs units sold. However, with live service being the AAA fascination du jour, and Call of Duty in particular having a whole game mode siloed off into the free to play space, I question if “units sold” is indicative of financial success anymore.
everything worthwhile and C&C4
Offline play? It’s SOLITAIRE. Offline play should be the ONLY play, by default.
Feeling like I took crazy pills this morning…
That’s a little reductive. The Division is a primarily PVE looter shooter with MMO trappings. Rainbow 6 is a competitive hero shooter with emphasis on quick kills and gadgets. Ghost Recon is an open world action game with emphasis on stealth.
Don’t get me wrong, “Ubisoft game” could be its own genre at this point, considering the amount of mechanical overlap in some areas, but most of those products do offer generally distinct gameplay experiences. Though, it does seem like Rainbow 6 and xDefiant would be positioned as rivals in market share, upon reflection.
They link their source in the article, and the source has a FAQ which has their methodology explained in the first question. You are capable of looking at market, you just need to, y’know…look.
In short, they are among the 867 partners on your favorite website who want to install cookies on your browser for analytics. OS info is included in what it reports back home.
Jury’s out on this one, but I’m told he’s got top men working on it.
Gives me Bill Watterson vibes, like a previously unseen Spaceman Spiff comic from Calvin and Hobbes. Love it.
Hmm, so, last month I began to have issues with my Chromecast for the first time. I have an old 3rd gen Chromecast attached to my bedroom television (not a smart tv) for the purpose of casting obnoxiously long video essays to fall asleep to. After like a decade of essentially hassle free operation, it suddenly stopped being able to maintain a connection to my phone. I cast a video, and after approximately 10 minutes, the cast disconnects and I get a message on my phone saying “this video cannot be played in the background”. I’ve tried ever troubleshooting technique I can think of.
I know I shouldn’t attribute to malice what can be explained by other causes, but boy, seeing this news today sure makes me think about things like planned obsolescence.
I don’t understand diddly about the specifics of this article (I’m a member of the normie minority on this site who is neither working in IT, nor interested in the field), but I gotta say, I loved how it was structured and written. In a sea of AI generated crap, or simply parroting talking heads and calling it news, I found the way they laid out the article in two parts ("this is what happened, followed by “this is our subjective opinion on those events based on the wider context”) to be very refreshing.
This video series sounds like it might be up your alley. Guy documents his attempts to simulate a goblin society and ecosystem.