I’ve actually used this one.
I’ve actually used this one.
/b/ is just leaking all over the place these days.
YouTube shorts are about to take off bigtime.
Since 2016.
2008 was Facebook/MySpace. Reddit had just started in 2007 and was tiny,
Not just you personally. If everyone can bring a friend, we could double the size of the Fediverse. Now I am really thinking I need to write the effortpost.
I’m thinking about posting something longer on this, but I think the best way to grow the Fediverse is to get your IRL friends to join.
Honestly just give up on Reddit. Participating in any way just pumps their numbers for an IPO.
No, I decided to abandon Reddit and start contributing to forums that aren’t bullshit.
So I get shadowbanned, but this stays… Just WTF.
Did Amex get canceled for something?
Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
Yay! New user! Welcome!
Glad to have you back.
That Saticat guy got it goin on, NGL.