In my experience, the only thing that really made them more difficult than managing end users who were using an authentication app instead was having to facilitate getting the fob to the users and replacing them occasionally and they were dirt cheap… Like less than $5 apiece.
They’re not expensive at all.
I don’t use their launcher at all.
It’s kind of a convoluted process but you can definitely download every game you own through gog without it.
Oh wow… LoL… I didn’t even look closely… I just assumed… That’s kind of hilarious
Vermont is their home state.
Spillovers into other boxes definitely count…
I don’t want to do this next part but I can’t resist…
Just ask my girlfriend…
Ba dum tiss
Look… All I have to say is… Support the Internet Archive!
If it only impacts a percentage of your machines then there was a problem in the deployment strategy or the solution wasn’t worthwhile to begin with.
I don’t understand how a state governor can “introduce” a bill.
Isn’t that the legislature’s job?
I haven’t looked into it in years but Arduino used to be pretty similar.
It’s probably iPads but still…
Videos are a terrible way to communicate small amounts of information and these comments aren’t super insightful so I guess I’ll just move on.
Yeah… NT was hugely successful and it’s been the core of every Microsoft OS for over 20 years.
Not big enough.