The same technology the billionaire class wants I use to eliminate payroll entirely
I’m a little teapot 🫖
The same technology the billionaire class wants I use to eliminate payroll entirely
+1, I absolutely loathe the twitter model of discussion because it’s a huge mess of out of order replies and random spam. Individual discussion posts with tree threaded comments are way, way, way more effective at keeping discussion relevant and directed. Also +1 re: moderation, social media functions best with effective, vigorous, moderation and the twitter model just sucks there.
Someone needs to turn that site into nothing but goatse stat
I have another that I ran through a 16x upscaling model but nothing has called for a 12k x 10k pikachu yet
I’ll believe it when I see it
Fucking finally
Oh hey, look, yet again we see how workers are treated when there are no regulations to protect them and an employer can risk their health for profit.
The best we can do is a 4th straight year of record profits
It’s not even much of a skill anymore now that there’s so much focus on natural language question and answer. You can straight up Google “how do I X?” And get a relevant answer for just about anything.
Edit: I’m not even talking about generative AI here, googling simple questions without using AI worked well before the AI craze.
“Credible exit” is just the twitterati huffing their own farts. Bluesky has exactly the same monetization problems twitter did and any other ultimate result beyond selling the company off to the highest bidder is fantasy.
Eventually, sooner or later, bluesky will fatten a nice crop of highly engaged users and sell the platform to someone with a better plan to monetize all of those eyeballs. The only real question is who? Will it be fElon Musk? Will it be ZuckerBot? Will it be some other billionaire who wants to own their own left leaning Twitter clone so they can monetize all those professional eyeballs with greater than average disposable income? Keep using the platform to find out!
Stares in local duopoly
And the bootloader unlock keys need to be posted so these devices aren’t just landfill fodder
Stares at Google OnHubs
Bluesky has exactly the same monetization and profitability issues twitter did, if anyone tries to tell you differently they’re lying. Sooner or later Bluesky will fatten a sufficient crop of highly engaged users and run out of venture capital runway and be forced to look for someone to buy the platform. There’s no way around this.
I wonder which billionaire is going to snap up bluesky once they’ve fattened their crop of highly engaged users
Manjaro manages to do just about everything wrong for one reason or another. They’re trying to be the Canonical of the Arch ecosystem and they’re not even close to competent enough to pull it off.
I’m sure they’ll find some way to DDOS something with their own telemetry sooner or later.
Anyone want to place bets on how much of their “AI” medical advice was just medical students and low cost doctors overseas answering questions?
This is what happens when you train your magical AI on a decade+ of internet shitposting