No, you see, euromissile that we have now is antitank weapon that you can fire out of eurocopter. There’s many more of these things than ASMP-A or -R
i should be writing
No, you see, euromissile that we have now is antitank weapon that you can fire out of eurocopter. There’s many more of these things than ASMP-A or -R
now just figure out how to strap euromissile to it and put euronuke in that
(one russian commander specifically ordered that minefields should be 4x denser than in manual. i think that might be surovikin)
Keeping consumers alive as a class is indirectly encouraged in capitalism.
but that won’t show in results for next quarter, so they don’t care
what can i say except to quote david gerard:
AI alignment is literally a bunch of amateur philosophers telling each other scary stories about The Terminator around a campfire
this is all year+ old info
it’s quite big, expensive, and not readily sourced, so when it’s used, it’s better that it’s really worth it. i don’t think cessnas need starlink, it would be worth it if it’s needed, but i think they might be using inertial + gnss. i heard that some drones had russian sim cards recovered so apparently sometimes gsm is used too. internet connection increases microwave signature greatly, and i’m not sure when it’s worth it, other than in cases where video feed is transmitted back and drones are guided manually, but that’s sea drones only. cessnas targeting refineries can work fine with gnss (+ maybe some crude tercom?) because refinery won’t run away
not by any fucking stretch “all drones” operate on starlink, these small surveillance and fpv antitank drones are controlled directly by operator. couple of times starlink terminals were spotted on boat drones on black sea, but far from always. there was an incident where musk personally turned off starlink over black sea, when ukrainian sea drones were on the way to destroy ships in port of sevastopol. these drones drifted off uselessly, which gave russians warning, pushed dod to get exclusive use of some part of starlink, and pushed ukrainians to develop their own alternatives. nowadays ukrainians use their own communications. why are you talking about things you clearly have no fucking clue about?
they can, but they had problems initially. also that claim about “all drones” is utter bs
yeah it looks like it’s real, but it’s not that new shiny command centre that was announced, it is another that was already in use at least two years ago. minus the bomb, that is
i think the author is slovak, but original was in english
heartwarming: the worst people you know are all fighting
(also kinda old news by now)
the very same
noooo not the cringe app!! everything but the cringe app
way to miss the point
sell it to them as an alternative to calls + sms that’s free when used over wifi. it already uses phone number as id
that’s some glorious schadenfreude
zuck just few hours ago: “people who talk about leaving facebook are just virtue signalling”
that was table tennis table
yes you can. dutch police and probably some others trained eagles to take down drones, but project was shelved because of lack of interest
(i mean HOT-2/3 missiles)