Left vs Right is a distraction.
The fight for a better life is Top vs Bottom.
Left vs Right is a distraction.
The fight for a better life is Top vs Bottom.
They indicate how much of an ass you come across as.
There are tons of people in this world who are right, yet everyone dislikes and doesn’t interact with. Something to think about some day, when you calm down.
Someone wasn’t prepared.
As long as the jackass doesn’t sell, they’re solid.
I had a roommate who invested, when his stuff went down more than 5% he’d sell it, “Don’t wanna be too risky,” he’d say, unaware that he was breaking the cardinal rule of investing…
Then, “Omg it’s up again, I better buy high before it goes higher!” then repeat pattern A again.
Moral of the story, if you actually believe in a stock, unrealized losses are not something to react to. Or do, and become a warning tale told to others, ha. Them -5% hits add up QUICK.
Fair critique, he is known for being verbose, I suppose his audience likes that though? Shows us the value of editors :)
Did he makes the youtube thing a men’s rights issue? I don’t understand, I only had time to watch the first half of the video so far. I’ll check out the rest later.
Ah, he’s emotional. People shouldn’t be outwardly emotional, especially men. Otherwise I can’t absorb the content of their message. /s
Joke aside, did you have a point? One could alternatively say that he’s passionate about the fights he chooses. Should we not all aspire to be passionate about the fights we choose?
I suppose I’m not making the connection with what this comment has to do with the content of the video. At which timestamp do you feel he was emotional and how do you feel it effected the overall message?
If this were to come to pass, it would be a massive hit to the middle class. Truckers make up a HUGE part of the American middle class work force.
Also consider the economic impact to all of the gas stations and rest stops created primarily to service them, a huge amount of infrastructure exists to service truckers. That said, many could convert for autonomous service needs? I expect it to be a net loss for them also. RIP Loves?
And from a technical point of view, it’s a lesser challenge than generalized self-driving because point A and B are already known for each route, so more of the route could be “hardcoded” (not actually hardcoded but I think you get the concept).
That said, I can’t predict the timeline of when this would be feasible, but when it happens I expect it will cause a lot of anger from truckers.
Anyway, the jist of my comment, this will route a substantial amount of middle class wages from the truckers to the truck owners, increasing inequality even further.
This is the biggest catalyst to sway the public toward a UBI than anything else I can imagine.
Boop beep I got delete.
Boop beep I got delete. .
Boop beep I got delete. .
That is a good question.
The world of late stage capitalism. When “scammer” starts to become a common profession… perhaps instead of asking why everyone is becoming a scammer, ask what type of system rewards and necessistates it, and why?
There are hints in this discussion to what is wrong with the world we inhabit that leads people down this path, and that is the picture I want to draw for you.
In short, people are extremely desperate. Some might think this is just how things are, but I happen to be one of the people who thinks it is by design. The richest want to keep the workers hungry, afraid, lacking security, and the house (in which they have financial stake in) can rake in the gains. The intentional applied divisiveness of capitalism.
In that context, I wanted to point out the privileged life that you likely live in order to not realize the desperation that drives someone to capitalize on every financial opportunity available, even the crazy ones. My statement isn’t in favor of making revenue on X, Y, or Z platform, my statement is in critique over your critique of how others earn a living, as well as your disregard for their situation. I was urging you to walk a mental mile in someone else’s shoes.
Also I apologize for mocking you, it’s not personal but I couldn’t resist taking the piss out of your comment.
I would love it if the government banned Reddit.
Lemmy I could live without. If any users are making their livelihoods on Lemmy or Reddit, they should find something more productive to do.
I nominate this for the least aware comment on lemmy. We truly have a gem here. “If someone is making their living in a way I don’t understand, they should get a real job. After all, it doesn’t affect me, so it must be fine.”
Truly well-spoken, just look at all of the many high-paying jobs available to people of all skill levels, I mean, it’s not enough that an entire generation needs to hustle and convert every waking moment into opportunities to generate capital in order to barely survive… but also please do it in a way that Stovetop understands and supports. Otherwise, it’s not “productive”, whatever high-minded values that meaningless phrase is supposed to represent. Clueless.
Null empathy, null emotional intelligence, null consideration. Truly a masterpiece.
Stovetop please stay the way you are, we want to study you.
Its always, no no this is for X, not Y.
(a few years pass)
They accepted X, now there is precedent, let’s take Y.
This is the start, not the finish.
Fight this or it will make its way to your interests.
My $0.02.
I’m going to take a leap of faith and say you don’t work in aviation…
Step one… define safety in the context of the airplane.
Step two… measure it.
So yea. If safety is never defined it cannot be measured. But is the sentiment you are attempting to express is that measurable safety guidelines have not been defined for these massively complicated and long-running commercial aircraft?
Maybe I am misunderstanding because at first glance your comment comes across as nonsensical, please elaborate.
How do you think safety is verified?
Cable will reach anywhere. There is not such a place that cable “will not reach”. Is there a profit incentive to serve you as a customer in a capitalist system? Maybe not. But cable will reach.