Thats cool, i have been using my psp go a fair bit recently
Thats cool, i have been using my psp go a fair bit recently
Dsogaming has barely ever been a reliable source tbh
More or less expected, there is more people playing MK11 than MK1 which i guess they didnt expect
Im not defending the lawsuit, im talking about what most people is talking about here without knowing shit about the case, the companies or the games. PocketPair whole schtick has been copying other games, from visual aesthethics to mechanics, you can look at their steam. Also, btw. that article doesnt even talk about what Nintendo is suing for or not, that article is on the response of PocketPair to this link, and all nintendo has said pretty much is: “Nintendo will continue to take necessary actions against any infringement of its intellectual property rights including the Nintendo brand itself,” the company’s statement today concludes, “to protect the intellectual properties it has worked hard to establish over the years.” Pretty much they broadly have talked about intelectual property and multiple patent infringements.
Cant know if you are for real, most of those designs are barely the same despite being based on the same creatures, against how palworld straight up copied designs with a few changes? Seriously, fuck Nintendo and their shitty and buggy Pokemon games, but the Dragon Quest vs Pokemon designs are not even close to what Pocket Pair, masters of copying games did here.
For real, its fun to see people shitting on Nintendo on this one, i dislike them as the most, but its absurd here. Pocket Pair just releases copies of other games, they also released a Hollow Knight copy just before Palworld, and on Palworld they almost copied the design 1 to 1 in some creatures. There is a reason you dont see Nintendo suing the other million pokemon clones, which is because they dont went of and almost even used the same geometry for some models. They straight up copied Pokemon like Lucario, Luxray, Cinderace, Cobalion and a bunch of others to the point where people showed their triangles and it was pretty certain they used ripped assets as the base for them.
Thats debatable, he asked if shareholders were happy with meta burning billions, if the shareholders werent happy they would be looking for an out and making the stock price go down, them being fine with it makes it so buying stock becomes more expensive as people is holding and the value goes up.
i mean, the main concern for most shareholders is the stock price, and meta stock price in the last 6 months has gone up 20% and 47% on the last year, im pretty sure most of them are happy as long as the bubble keeps going up
yup it really is small but its also why i love the form factor, one of the truly portable handhelds i own along with the playdate. Hope i can snatch a Vita for a fair price one of these days too.