Main issue seems to be if your not a Linux nerd or into degoogling there just isnt much on here yet.
Main issue seems to be if your not a Linux nerd or into degoogling there just isnt much on here yet.
I print the occasional random coloring page for my kids. Thats about it.
Not OP but, my TV has a local api. I connected it to my network so I can control it via home assistant. That can be one reason why. Of course, its also on a VLAN that has no access to the WAN.
Also grew up spending a lot of time in front of screens, vision is 20/15
I mean imagine migrating to a new server. One of my server has like 30 containers. Now my outage is 3 hours instead of 45 mins.
I’m not complaining, however. It is a free service they are providing.
Of course. Relying on a lighter kills your ability to start a fire without one. Its nothing new.
Your not supposed to just trust it. Your supposed to test the solution it gives you. Yes that makes it not useful for some things. But still immensely useful for other applications and a lot of times it gives you a really great jumping off point to solving whatever your problem is.
Has that improved at all? Last I tried items were disabled and it was match after match of Falco doing the same move over and over.
Would you look at that, its still $0 for me.
Right exactly it can be as expensive as you want it to be. I have 2 12TB drives going. But you absolutely could just buy a $200 mini PC with a 1TB drive in it. Write a simple shell script that purges content first in first out. Cheap.
Thanks I barely used them out of convenience and now I’ll make a point to stop entirely.
Absolutely on the shorter games. I just do not have time for 30 to 40 hour games anymore. 8 to 10 hours is the sweet spot for me. After that I get bored and the game feels like a drag.
At the end of the day LLMs take in historical data and use it to predict what comes next. Just like humans do. But I guess we can disagree and leave it at that.
I didn’t say that at all. What I said was LLMs solve problems just like a human does. Pattern recognition. Then I asked you to provide an example of one thing a human does that doesnt boil down to pattern recognition. The words we speak and type are patterns. The decisions we make are based on patterns we learned in the past. Thats really all I meant by it.
Can you expand on that?
Right? I see comments all the time about it just being glorified pattern recognition. Well…thats what humans do as well. We recognize patterns and then predict the most likely outcome.
I use them to timeout lights all the time and schedule outdoor lights.
I mean I’d still put VP on my resume if I’m him
You should actually report that seller to eBay. Thats against their TOS.
For months my wife couldn’t download podcasts off Spotify only for me to discover it was pihole the entire time.