Same. Someone’s gotta help feed the modlog.
Same. Someone’s gotta help feed the modlog.
My suspicion is a false flag by the intelligence agencies to push back against cuts or prove their value to the new admin. This is their style to protect or ask for larger budgets.
Was just discussing with friends this morning that they should expect a digital false flag coming in. The crooks at the NSA or CIA were bound to retaliate to cuts, or create a problem to make themselves the heroes.
I don’t know. I feel like the competition with Russia is overstated and sold to us by a bloated defense contractors who need a boogeyman. Most of our conflicts with them are born from our aggression on their border, and economic sanctions to maintain our hegemony.
Plus it’s clear to everyone that the US population no longer holds the levers of power. What would be the point of convincing us to believe anything?
It’s actually the very first amendment.
There no constitutional amendment protecting abortion.
It doesn’t allow for this. Already been ruled on.
And the astroturf farm at Eglin AFB is the highest source of traffic on Reddit. I’m sure the US military’s astroturf output is absolutely eclipsing anything poorly paid students are outputting.
Western propaganda and US propaganda aren’t all that different, and usually come from the same sources.
If they’re doing so in cooperation with or at the direction of anyone in government, it is also illegal.
Because you’ve been propagandized to hell. A lot of people have. Which is why everyone lost their shit about “Russian interference” over a couple of shitty memes from Russian sources during an election, but didn’t seem to give a shit about electioneering from domestic propaganda sources.
You’re getting far more propaganda from your own country than any other foreign entity, I promise you.
I was checking it periodically to see if I was missing out on anything, but the entire front page is meticulously curated propaganda & ads now. The manipulation is especially obvious because they rarely even update it now. You’ll see the same shit stuck on popular for days.
But I’m not complaining. It canceled out any FOMO I might’ve had.
I don’t expect this ban hammer will help in their next earnings call.
Tech isn’t the problem. It’s the people in charge of it. It’s the capitalism/neo-feudalism controlling the politics.
They permabanned two of my accounts during the election last year, just because I said I didn’t care when Trump said Liz Cheney should be shot. She’s a warmonger who’s called for violence against millions of innocent people. Not gonna clutch my pearls when anyone (even Trump) threatens her.
I would like a Chinese EV, but the capitalists are enforcing protectionism.
They do this so consistently at protests, the Georgia AG tried to claim it showed criminal intent to not bring your phone to a protest for tracking.
If the people sitting on the Supreme Court believe it, and I believe the majority of those shitbags do, then that is unfortunately the law as it stands.
But when the law is unethical, I don’t see why we should be lawful.
If regulators don’t stop them from doing it, the CEO’s of publicly traded companies will get the boot from the board for not doing it. They have a fiduciary duty to be as shitty as humanly possible.
We need laws to stop this, but the politicians are all bribed not to.
Exactly. I wish at least the smart watches were 2-3x wider to be more useful. Maybe just give us some kind of arm dock that curves the device when attached, and flattens when removed for more hands on stuff.
Yeah. Too bad it hasn’t led to power mods behaving. Still plenty of bullshit bans.