I’ve enjoyed it. Doubt I’m using it to its fullest ability. Only on two instances.
I’ve enjoyed it. Doubt I’m using it to its fullest ability. Only on two instances.
Like IRC?
Just waiting for the TVA to prune us.
I hope they are paying the hosting bill for all that media.
So, are they going back to where every post starts with “is”?
I’m sure Russia will happily send you to the front comrade.
My wife got off last year. I just use it for some communities I’m involved with and like 10 friends that seem to appreciate my posts.
Sounds more like we would go back to forums.
Good thing most of them will be dead by then.
Luigi isn’t a second rate character anymore.
Billionaires have a mental illness
I went to a small charter high school around 2002-3 and their whole education curriculum was on computers. The school principal would do monthly lan parties, then wipe the floor with us teenagers on age of empires 2. I still fear elephant charges.
Your dorm must have had epic lan parties.
Got DSL in like 2003? I remember some friends with 128 ISDN back in like 1998, that was mind blowing to me, not having to dial in.
Wonder if his brows have insurance like his dad?
Let that sink in.
The single example of a possible positive outcome? I remember when this happened, they made a big deal about it, however it may not have had that much of a positive effect. You know the void left to be filled with someone as bad or worse. https://www.cnn.com/2016/04/27/middleeast/egypt-how-we-got-here/index.html
I mean, what if “we” just stop using various social media platforms all together? I remember the days when various people never really shared their opinions and beliefs about most topics to the general public. Maybe we should get back to face to face conversations about life topics.
That was my idea as well. You are providing a negative feedback for following the rules.