Yeah feels already hot from just looking at it
The switching thing is really weird, for me it is always saved across devices and I can just play from where I was on the other device. But maybe that is a newer feature that wasn’t yet there when you tried it.
Overall, my impression was that Plex is a lot more polished
That I can understand, but with plex trying to be a streaming provider themselves, it makes it very confusing for not so tech-savvy people
I also have a plex lifetime pass beacuse it was really the only option like 10 years ago and it was pretty solid. I run plex and jellyfin in parallel now and some of my friends use jellyfin, others plex. I myself almost only use jellyfin at the moment and it works pretty well for me
I guess
I’d be genuinely interested, because when I read a list I think “meh” to most of the things because I don’t find them useful. If someone tells me “hey I use this and that because it accomplishes x and y for me” and I thought it could only to z. So I learned something.
I’m interested in your specific features you find better :) I really like Jellyfin but use both and like to recommend to my friends what works better for them, depending on what they like
How does it not work for you? I use it on my phone, laptop, ipad, kodi, … without issues
You could install kodi and connect with jellyfin from there
In terms of what?
First introduced in the late 1970s as an effort to boost low voter turnout, postal voting was anchored in Swiss law in 1994. By 2006, all 26 cantons had introduced functioning systems.
“It works well, so there’s not much debate about it,” says Uwe Serdült, a political scientist at the University of Zurich. Cantons report that around 90% of citizens now vote by post, and some have reported figures up to 97% (Aargau, 2017). There were debates about security in the early years of postal voting, Serdült says – as there are now around e-voting. But over the years it has been accepted, largely due to the high levels of trust in Switzerland – “vis-à-vis the state, and in the postal system”.
I still find it weird that voting by mail is not more common in the US (and other countries). Here in Switzerland, 90% of votes are done by mail and it works great.
Ah yes, searching for torrents in radio frequencies