• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Car dealerships in America are like legalized shell entities to protect manufacturers from liability and add an extra layer of corrupt in the middle. I really think people should spend more time reading their legal contracts, especially when buying a new car. Car salespeople can lie about pretty much anything & as long as you sign the agreement, there isn’t much you can do, and it almost certainly has an arbitration clause as well.

  • Like I said, the files are in a standardized format. You can literally extract & view the content yourself. Do you want extensively structured data in 10, 20 or 50 years, or do you want only the most basic? If something is important enough for you to save for that long, you prob should put some effort into making it useful. I’m not saying word processors are perfect, but almost every markdown editor out there is essentially trying to recreate a word processor.

    CommonMark includes like 6 levels of headings, blockquotes, code blocks, bold, italics, hyperlinks, HRs, and lists? At what cost though? Which heading is the title, which one is the subtitle? Now you want to add frontmatter, which is not part of the CommonMark spec. What if you don’t want a thousand files, will your editor support multiple pages in a single file with multiple frontmatter declarations? Now you want a table, guess you’re going to deviate to GFM. What if you want to use callouts, etc.

    Things like Lexical is promising:


    I’d rather have a single SQLite file that has my entire knowledgebase in a useful CMS than having a thousand markdown files that I have no clue what I titled them 10 or 20 years ago. So much easier to manage, rename things, etc.

  • I wholly disagree with this after using markdown for everything for a few reasons, but it may work for some people if you really love operating from a basic CLI. Some people also get by with storing everything in plain-text files as well. Why not, plain-text will still be supported as well.

    Markdown, especially CommonMark, will likely never provide what you want. Is it convenient when you have hundreds or thousands of files to manually manage? Most likely you’ll constantly be searching for ways to make markdown work more like a word processor & CMS, because what you really want is a powerful WYSIWYG content management platform.

    I’m not going to judge someone if they are content with basic markdown. It isn’t my place to. But to make a statement like, “if it is worth keeping, save it in Markdown” is preaching from a bubble.

  • Defamation laws are a civil matter. You have to sue someone & prove in court that you were defamed. There are also specific laws for public figures & case law for things said on Twitter/X. Furthermore, what is propaganda to you might be what some of them legitimately believe. You can’t sue people for believing in a different ideology. For example, you can’t sue someone for liking chocolate ice cream because you like vanilla, nor can you sue people because they believe that God doesn’t exist. I’d love to see you take it to court though & send me the docker number once you do, so I can be amused.