Now we need Camelfarage
Now we need Camelfarage
Their GitHub is active. I like to check in once or twice a year to see if there is anything new.
Title misleading.
The MS store app is being replaced with a different store app.
Remote Desktop isn’t going away.
At that point you may as well have used the search engine in the first place.
I was going to respond to this but I think you did so yourself:
I have asked searchy type questions and got some interesting links back which I probably wouldn’t have found on a normal web search with the terms I was using
I think they work as supplements and not replacements. As any tool, they have their use and (for me) can enhance my searching. But I would not replace it with only LLM. (Altough I have never had any great luck with ChatGPT and links, they never work - as in ChatGPT give me an anchor element without any link. It’s better at providing me search terms and concepts to look up for what I need.)
So no download from their website?
I find ChatGPT to sometimes be excellent at giving me a direction, if not outright solving the problem, when I paste errors I’m to lazy to look search. I say sometimes because othertimes it is just dead wrong.
All code I ask ChatGPT to write is usually along the lines for “I have these values that I need to verify, write code that verifies that nothing is empty and saves an error message for each that is” and then I work with the code it gives me from there. I never take it at face value.
Have you actually found that to be the case in anything complex though?
I think that using LLMs to create complex code is the wrong use of the tool. They are better at providing structure to work from rather than writing the code itself (unless it is something simple as above) in my opinion.
If a company cannot invest even a day to go through their hiring process and AI proof it, then they have a shitty hiring process. And with a shitty hiring process, you get shitty devs.
I agree with you on that.
ChatGPT is perfect for learning Delphi.
Software engineering is more accessible than ever
This is key here. Having it more accessible, we see more people who do not want to learn but still trying to code. But we also see more people who wants to learn and create solutions.
I think that LLMs just made it easier for people who want to know but not learn to know. Reading all those posts all over the internet required you to understand what you pasted together if you wanted it to work (not always but the barr was higher). With ChatGPT, you can just throw errors at it until you have the code you want.
While the requirements never changed, the tools sure did and they made it a lot easier to not understand. ain’t bad either.
If I still watched TV, I the risk of me doing that accidentally is very high.
This is a comment worth saving.
I find LLM’s great for creating shorter snippets of code. It can also be great as a starting point or to get started with something that you are not familiar with.
Yeah, okey. That makes sense. I would be difficult to hide the intrusion if you can’t move the zippers.
It’s in the video how he closes it again to remove the evidence.
I don’t know about regular contact but they get money when you use their link to buy via gog.
Use our link when making purchases on GOG and support the project. Cool right?
Perhaps that is why the client is so good.
While Heroic is great and I love it, I would be nice to have official support from GOG.
Perhaps because everyone always says gaming ≈ pop_OS and because of the extra Nvidia GPU drivers. ETA: I think someone in some video said it?
TL;DR: Author should stop promoting the book. Publisher can continue promoting the book.