Sometimes I wish we could give app names aliases or suffixes something. Would be helpful when some apps have identical names, like “Weather”.
Sometimes I wish we could give app names aliases or suffixes something. Would be helpful when some apps have identical names, like “Weather”.
Oh, no no, I don’t mean the UI of the browser, I mean web platform features, like JavaScript APIs, JavaScript language features, and CSS features and such.
Can that continue to function if Firefox dies? Like, is it independent to where it will develop web platform features on its own?
I wish I could say the same. Web dev. 🫡 But at least I’m using Chromium, if that’s even slightly better.
It’s gotta be some kind of sheep brain activation; crowd following behavior. It can be very annoying sometimes.
Sometimes you’re just voicing a neutral opinion and it gets destroyed. And by neutral I mean it’s not controversial or anything, like racism, it could just be something not exactly everyone would agree with.
I wish people would use the down vote as Reddit once intended it to mean: off topic and not contributing to the discussion, or perhaps rude, etc. Not “I don’t agree with this”. You should explain why you don’t agree with something, or up vote a comment that already explains it.
Isn’t it? YouTube isn’t its own company?
Same. Boost for Lemmy and Sync for Lemmy. Both awesome. Sync is my main, on the free plan.
Let’s just leave it 😅 I’m happy pretending Boost doesn’t work so that I have no reason to go back to Reddit.
Sure, fair point. 👍
I’d feel like such a target, to be honest. At least if I was living in politically-volatile America right now.
I imagine 😅
Man, you can really see Adolf saying “Sieg Heil!” Scary stuff.
Not to mention the guy on the left.
How do you feel about owning a Nazi car? Any feelings around that? Curious about your feelings or anyone else owning a Tesla right now.
Floorp is a new Firefox based browser from Japan with excellent privacy & flexibility.
Answering the phone single-handed sounds like it should be possible on even the largest of phones. No problem for me using a Pixel 9 Pro, although it’s not a very big phone of course.
Stock market says brrr
If you’re going to visit family up in the backwoods, the options you listed aren’t really viable. At least not for us.
And I don’t think you can drive 8 hours before recharging. Say you have a battery of 120 kWh, which is absolutely massive. And let’s say you’re driving at higher speeds like 100+ km/h, maybe you’ll be doing around 20 kWh/100 km consumption rate (that might even be generous depending on the car, especially in the winter). Finishing the battery from 100% to 0% would be (units in italics) 120 kWh ÷ 20 kWh/100 km × 100 km ÷ 100 km/h average speed = 6 hours of driving. And then your car needs to be towed at 0 percent charge left. 🙃
Not just them, but a lot of the car platforms coming out of China right now, including Volvo cars. I have an EX40, which has a lot of physical buttons, and a physical lever for the glove compartment (🤯), but when I tried the EX30 I was blown away by the poor driving experience. So crappy. Everything is done via the screen, and it sucks. Not even a speed indicator in front of the driver, but you have to glance over to the center screen.
Also the one-pedal drive was really bad on the EX30, but that’s another story. I also hated the gear lever behind the wheel instead of a stick between the driver and passenger seat.