With a huge drippin hog
With a huge drippin hog
Good point, they never really got past that, huh
I agree with you here. They just never kept up with what people wanted or needed out of a communications platform. When Discord showed it was more versatile nearly 10 years ago, my whole group switched and never looked back.
Skype call sounds still bring specific kinds of nostalgia though.
Thanks, dumbass! 🤣
Excellent, just the example I needed to prevent me from examining my own use of Sync. I picked it up straight off of RiF and it’s been mostly fine. Spoilers rarely work and sometimes it just straight up can’t “fetch the image,” but I can do the things I care about, like downvoting and making ad hominem attacks. 10 out of 10 for me.
I liked the first one better. I guess I was just looking for the rogue-like fix of “failing forward” on subsequent runs, but the gameplay loop is much wider on the second one and that didn’t quite satisfy me the same way.
I love how they changed library sharing, too, so group members are only accessing individual games rather than entire libraries.
Equating answering a question to somebody stealing your time is not the hot take I was expecting to read this morning, lmao
Maybe I’m just crazy, but I hated all of the characters!
Has to be ET, right? Either that or I’m being Mandela’d right now
Where did you learn that? Is that a real thing people are taught?
Yep, definitely the cocking lever. Good job to the meathead who accomplished what nature could not!
Does the M2A1 have a safety? I thought they just gave it a quick swap barrel
Trying to think of what bit you have to flip…
Are you talking about the cocking lever? It needs to be pushed forward prior to pushing the bolt all the way forward into battery, because it catches in a notch at the top of the receiver in order to cock the firing pin (bolt goes back, lever flips forward, and vice versa). But if you put the bolt in with the cocking lever back, which people do a lot, the lever gets stuck on the timing arm attached to the receiver. Barely an inconvenience. But…
Did somebody jam that sumbitch in there so good that you had to destroy the motherfucker? Because that is fucking insane. That’s like breaking a steel framing hammer. Like, I get it, but… How!?
I’m not even sure how to go about calculating that with any accuracy. I would hazard a guess to say that 1/3 to 1/2 of all US Navy ships are underway at any given time, but that’s just from personal experience at a smaller base. Forward deployed commands (like in Japan and Spain) have a generally higher operating tempo, so maybe a slightly higher average overall?
Out of 350-ish ships, half is a fuckin lot. Maybe one of our highly intelligent officers can chime in with more accurate info.
I have no problems with it, so I guess I’m some sort of savant? There is such thing as good and bad UI, but I think this is a case of ‘what you’re used to’ causing problems with ‘what is.’
Propellers are wrong, would NOT fuck.
Hasn’t DCS kind of cornered that market?
This is why I shamelessly cheat in single player games. Most of the time I’m just trying to make the game more fun for myself, and one of those ways is to skip past the parts I don’t enjoy.
This definitely backfires sometimes, but if I can squeeze more enjoyment out of it before I put it down (almost certainly forever), I will.