Dont short-sell yourself, the work you’ve done is amazing. The fact that you recognize feature creep and make plans to address it show a level of maturity (I’m assuming you’re a young dev as you mention school) that a lot of devs with 5x your experience could only dream of. I know a lot of devs well past their 30s and with 10+y of XP who keep adding shit and exceptions in the product because the business has a minor use case that impacts .01% of the customers once a year and never think of challenging the use case itself.
Feature creep curses most software products without a strong governance, at the expense of everything else. You can only choose two between a readable, maintainable codebase, performance and a fuckton of features. In the end, feature creeps makes everybody unhappy, because devs have to work with messy, fragile code and user experience becomes slow, bloated and overly complex. You’re right in recognizing that the first two are by far the most important.
You’re in the right state of mind, and you’re an amazing dev who created an amazing product.