You have got to be an absolute newfriend if you think that shit works at all even for 4chan itself.
You have got to be an absolute newfriend if you think that shit works at all even for 4chan itself.
4chan’s style as a concept doesn’t work too well with the concepts of the rest of the fediverse. There’s no benefit to federating anonymous image and text posts across multiple servers and merging those feeds together. Especially if the content is meant to be ephemeral, why are you wasting bandwidth replicating it? Hell, with the average lemmy server’s replication delay the original content would be gone before it could replicate anywhere.
There’d also be no reason for each “instance” to not be its own separate entity with no federation. It’s not like 4chan really does crossposting between boards, you just can link between them.
Also, having spent far more time on the chans than is in any way healthy, there still isn’t any real solution for good or consistent moderation. Federation doesn’t inherently make moderation better or easier, if anything it complicates things in that regard.
Edit, additional info: Certain threads on /vg/ have been dealing with their own thread specific trolls for literal years with no mod action. Some of the threads have figured out rough schedules of mods based off what type of shit gets removed and when.
Federation is not a magical pill for better quality. I direct you to explodingheads, or plenty of other examples of shit instances documented by fediseer.
I used to have that up at my desk when I did tech support.
Because billions is an absurd understatement, and computer have constrained problem spaces far less complex than even the most controlled life of a lab rat.
And who the hell argues the animals don’t have free will? They don’t have full sapience, but they absolutely have will.
Lol, your mom isn’t a doctor, and doctors aren’t supposed to diagnose that sort of thing in family.
So what’s your plan to fix your habits then? “I’m just going to do better” is not a plan. Either way, you need to learn how you function and where your personal shortcomings are, and plan around them rather than planning to somehow magically charge through them.
If you have a broken arm, you don’t plan to do pushups.
Do you have an answer to why you’re skipping classes if you know it’s a problem and want to pass? Or is it just a vague “somethings changed”?
If you don’t think you can pass, drop the course and try again next semester. If you still can, and this is a matter of “I don’t know how to force myself out of bed on time, I don’t know why I keep choosing to skip” then you need to see a doctor about this. Maybe it isn’t ADHD, but it is something.
My mother thought she knew better because she was a teacher. She was wrong, I definitively have ADHD and being medicated contributes massively to my quality of life. ADHD is an executive function disorder. Knowing what I need to do but not being able to consistently get myself to do it. The meds don’t make me not me, they make me better able to stay on task and follow through with plans.
Look, I’m not a professional, but this sounds very much like a lot of peoples’ stories of discovering they have it. Sounds similar to mine as well. When you had people around you assisting in imposing structure, you shined. You probably didn’t have much trouble in school to speak of, and now suddenly you’ve hit a wall now that it’s all on you.
That could be normal struggles to adjust to college and the massive leap in personal responsibility, but what you’ve posted sounds quite a bit deeper than that. If you can, go talk to a professional.
Edit: Also, holy fucking shit. I know you probably don’t know any better, but saying this with my full fucking chest:
Because despite the insistence for years, those are not the same thing. Full stop.
Terms of Service (ToS) are regularly not upheld in court, and their terms are worded so poorly that as written, it would not be a difficult case to defeat.
The Firefox specific terms for the precompiled binary link to a more general terms page meant to be additional parts, but the additional parts they link to specify that the additional terms only apply to use of Mozilla “services” (sync, vpn, etc). The concerning shit on the ToS lies in the terms for their services.
It’s a clear contradiction of scope, and unfortunately not Firefox’s first fuckup of this kind. So far, with a multi decade history, none of these contradictions have been used to fuck over their users.
They already have separate terms for use of the source code. Those are what making forks, and what compiling the source yourself, fall under. They do not make any reference to the services ToS. Use of the source is not effected by any of this so far, on a technical (can the bad shit be removed) and on a legal (are forkers allowed to remove) level.
Hacker News has some deeper discussion about the finer points of the ToS mess.
And apparently Mozilla has clarified that the wording changes in their summary (not the actual ToS) are because California’s definition of “sale” of information includes just communicaring it to a third party as part of normal operations support. Thanks again to Hacker News discussion of Mozilla’s latest statement.
And again. 100% open source. There is no way for any functionality (including functionalitt that does that) to exist somewhere that people making forks can’t modify/remove it.
So… entirely vibes based take. Maybe take some time to step away and come back later.
Spamming a doomerism opinion, when not backed up by anything but feelings, helps nobody. It’s an overactive immune response. The fever worse than the illness your body is trying to burn out using it.
I get that it feels like the world is going to shit, and especially when things you thought were trustworthy start doing this, it’s a blow. But this shit (repeated as fucking much as you have repeared it) makes the community, and people who need a non-corporate controlled browser, weaker and more vulnerable.
What? I’ve grown up around people in the nuclear industry, and nothing I’ve ever learned about the function “wastes” water.
You’ve got some amount of water in the “dirty loop” exposed to the fissile material, and in the spent fuel storage tanks. Contaminated water is stuck for that use, but that isn’t “spending” the water. The water stays contained in those systems. They don’t magically delete water volume and need to be refilled.
Outside of that you have your clean loop, which is bog standard “use heat to make steam, steam move turbine, moving turbine make electiricity, steam cools back to water”. Again, there’s no part of that which somehow makes the water not exist, or not be usable for other purposes.
Not saying you’re wrong. Renewables are absolutely preferable, and Texas is prime real estate to maximize their effectiveness. I’m just hung up on the “waste water building reactors” part.
Guessing it was some sort of research about the building process maybe, that I’ve just missed?
What? Some proof here please. Firefox is 100% open source. You can audit the entire code for this.
It’s not like chromium with the pre-compiled binary blob in the middle provided by google.
I doubt implementation of terms will be optional.
You are all up and down these comments repeating this statement.
How exactly has Mozilla handled changes like this before that leads you to this conclusion? Do you have anything to back this up other than your own dogged insistence?
Surely there must be something I’m missing for you to be so adamant on this point. Please enlighten me, because to my knowledge about how all this works and has worked in the past this just seems like baseless fearmongering to me.
Why wouldn’t they be optional? Every other change like this has been before.
Yes, they allow full avoidance of any potential data collection through the browser, if they remove the collection features.
Mozilla would need to change their licensing terms to prevent forks from being able to remove things like that, and forks could just use the last version of the code before the license change and just backport new features.
Also Firefox is fully open source, unlike chromium which relies on a closed source binary blob in the middle. Some chromium forks have replaced the binary blob with open source code, but the default is for chromium forks to have a nice chunk in them controlled by google that no one can deeply inveatigate what it does. Firefox does not have this issue.
Mozilla can’t hide any potential data collection in Firefox due to the full open source nature (unlike chrome forks). They also can’t stop fork devs from stripping out any data collection functions. And as of today, they have not introduced any data collection that is not supremely anonymized, and they have not introduced any data collection that cannot be opted out of through the browser settings (and about:config).
GOD HAND- the granddaddy of Platinum Games’s combo based “beat em ups”, made by Clover Studios before they went bankrupt and reopened as Platinum. So think Devil May Cry and Bayonetta but hand to hand 🎵"or fist to fist. Kick your nuts or twist your wrist. God power keeps my pimp hand strong so trust me or you won’t last very long."🎵 Yeah, it also has quite possibly the best theme song ever too.
Zone of the Enders the Second Runner drops you into the midpoint of a fairly generic mecha anime plot, but as overseen by Hideo Kojima. It has a lot of “Dynasty Warriors” style “tear through hundreds of fodder with ease” gameplay, but also a very fast paced “attack/dodge/parry” system for fights against beefier enemies that ends up as this fast paced sort of rock paper scissors as you have to adapt to use the right technique to counter the enemy. You fly and can manuever very fast, attacks can come from any angle, and it’s just flat out fun to control. There is a PC port/remaster of questionable quality (and no steam deck support), and a xbox 360 port of good quality, but it’s mostly just uprezzed graphics that you’ll get by emulation anyway.
It sounds like that’s what happened, but through the proper channels. They hired a known CnC community/modding site admin as the dev.
I’d imagine he pitched that this was an easy way to reduce maintenance costs while fostering massive good will and making the amount of long tail sales over time higher.
If you’ve tried the Crash Bandicoot N-Sane trilogy, there are a few sequels of differing quality on PS2. I don’t think any of them are particularly bad, but none are as good as the original PS1 trilogy (or the N-Sane remakes).
Under the end of the readme, the section labelled releases.
Hi, I’m Nicole wizardbeard! I’m a proud aromatic Polish Abyssal girl tube sock with googly eyes from Toronto the space between your walls (29 y/o 50 ft)
I’m currently taking the pre-health sciences program at George Brown College socks from your dryer hoping to get into the medical field find a broodmother for the spawn that will form the ranks of my holy army someday!
You can’t add me on Friendica. It’s far too late for that. Far far too late for anyone to do anything to stop this.
Your socks may be returned to you but they may never be the same.
How exactly? You can’t just say “better because fedi”, that’s a non-answer.