Welcome to my blocklist :-)
Wow there’s so many awesome people here :O
Welcome to my blocklist :-)
Wow there’s so many awesome people here :O
If you don’t care you shouldn’t care to tell others about it either.
As soon as you tell others, others will tell you.
Brave bad, CEO evil, Chromium, cryptoooo, etc… Bullshit browser.
Don’t let this one person stop you.
I’m still recommended it to everybody.
There have been very decent alternatives, but they never took off.
One such was Flattr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flattr
Flattr was a Swedish-based microdonation subscription service, where subscribers opted in to pay a monthly patronage to help fund their favourite websites and creators. It shut down in November 2023.[1]
Flattr subscribers installed an open-source browser extension that records which websites they frequent and shares this data with Flattr.[2] Flattr processes this user data and pays out shares of the user’s subscription to each registered Flattr creator based on which websites the user consumed.[3] Flattr filtered websites by domains with a default allowlist of participating domains, but individual users could override and contribute to any website they want or withhold contributions from any website.[4]
I used it for a while, but not many websites and creators used it, so most of my money was going towards a select few.
You can just use a free adblocking DNS for that.
A browser adblocker is better for a few tricky ads.
That [redacted] is so [redacted], what [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] wrong with people?
Why the fuck are they even trying this?
Even under perfect conditions it takes more than 2 seconds for the radio waves to go to the moon and back.
Brought back*
No need for this trash on the moon, even if it works.
I have donated €1500 to opensource software projects and paid a whopping €7 for software. These (privacy respecting) projects got my money because they weren’t transaction based. Capitalism is not the only way.
It was as a response to a post about how the Chinese eat centipedes. I replied something along the lines of “yeah they eat some weird stuff, like virgin boy pee eggs”. The permaban stated “hate based on identity” and linked to the post. I made an appeal and linked the wikipedia page. Denied.
Fuck that platform anyways.
A little dubious
I once got permabanned for sharing that the Chinese eat eggs boiled in the pee of young boys.
Per 4 februari 2025 zijn de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP) en de Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) bevoegd om in Nederland toezicht te houden op de regels van de DSA.
As of Feb. 4, 2025, the Personal Data Authority (AP) and the Consumer & Market Authority (ACM) are authorized to oversee DSA rules in the Netherlands.
Submit a complaint:
It might take some work but they do really work on this stuff. I’ve gotten pages and pages of documents from complaints I submitted because of GDPR violations. Some instances send you documentation about all the violations they found and their process with it.
Shadowbanning in Europe is very hard to pull off without crossing DSA and GDPR rules, which require transparency and informing of the user. Specifically DSA Article 17.
Here’s a Dutch case regarding it: https://dsa-observatory.eu/2024/08/06/the-dsas-first-shadow-banning-case/
I’m posting this because if you are European, you should be informed of any shadowban, which makes it a normal ban by definition. If you had to investigate and found out you are shadowbanned, your rights have been violated. I think the best way to get something going is by using a certified out-of-court dispute settlement body, although there’s probably a lot of other ways. And if you don’t want to return to Reddit anymore, it might be fun to throw some legal shit at their shit platform on your way out.
Jason Citron, the Discord founder and CEO, had a company called OpenFeint that got into a lot of trouble regarding selling illegally obtained private user data.
In 2011, OpenFeint was party to a class action suit with allegations including computer fraud, invasion of privacy, breach of contract, bad faith and seven other statutory violations. According to a news report “OpenFeint’s business plan included accessing and disclosing personal information without authorization to mobile-device application developers, advertising networks and web-analytic vendors that market mobile applications”.
Yeah these companies think just because they can they should.
Fuck 'em. The moon is part of the view from my garden.
I’ll fight for that.
Ah yes, for the upcoming Ministry of Love.
I don’t suggest Librewolf for the plebians though.
It comes with very aggressive anti-fingerprinting and privacy features.
For people in [email protected] that’s less of a problem but I wouldn’t suggest it to my family members.
It didn’t for me on Linux :^)
Why not 1mph then?