They also gave instagram style clients: pinksky, and Flashes
They also gave instagram style clients: pinksky, and Flashes
Its being recorded by Reddit cofounder Alexis ohanian. I don’t think they’ll fight lol
I know. What im saying is the word server isnt too technical and is both easier to understand and technically correct
Servers are a better word for it imo. It is what it actually is and average people already understand servers from discord
And the ui of those are terrible and will never have non technical people adopt them. Also discord has end to end encrypted video calls and screen share which neither of those two have
Piefed upvotes are private though
Looks really great on mobile! Just needs a Hide Read Posts button
Isn’t prusa now doing anti consumer / closed source stuff?
Down what page? The blog post?
How did you get that mod to work? I’ve been trying to use the mod but it doesn’t do anything I’ve enabled
Ability for artist to host their own music and a way to pay them
And had a way to support artists
Alt right bs?
I understand that feeling although they do mention it’s a browser in alpha still so i don’t judge them too harshly for it
I’m on the latest version try installing this Zen Mod that lets you remove anything
You can remove that, i don’t see any workspaces
Wouldnt each post still indicate what community its on though?
Im still confused on what your worry is? That people will reply to a post without reading the comments?
Does posting to a feed post to all the communities in it?