I too received this.
Check your DMs. You’ll probably get one eventually.
The question that remains is: what does she want?
I too received this.
Check your DMs. You’ll probably get one eventually.
The question that remains is: what does she want?
I’m chuckling a bit (in a negative way) at the abject perversion of this mentality, because of course this happened.
Isn’t this how we think of all pollution? Global warming? We don’t have to worry about this today, so we won’t. Maybe some nebulous, nonexistent white knight of a someone will figure it out before its an immediate problem…
Another reason President Musk wanted to play with deregulation. Free reign, or rain, to chew through the ozone layer with his space garbage.
Maybe the evolution. My grandmother told stories of her dad scaring her mom with his “crazy” driving, speeding up to 40, sometimes even 45 mph.
Screen consoles in 4000lb bullets were the dumbest engineering idea ever. It’s probably a contributing factor as to why accident rates are up.
Up until 2018 I could manipulate my entire console without shifting my eyes from the road. Doing this by touch alone only works with physical buttons and knobs.
The better odds are on control.
Luigi wasn’t talking with anyone. None of this would’ve helped them with him.
Signal, Tuta, Proton. And that Apple bullshit.
This push to know everything about everyone is outrageous, expected, and depressing.
I’m still sold on Gulf Dukat.
Ballot measures. Write them if your state empowers them. That’s where the democracy will happen.
Linux isn’t terrible.
There’s hiccups though. Example. Partner recently redid his chrome book. Wiped it, added some bits, added a Linux setup specific to chromebook hardware.
Earbud pairing: inconsistent.
Little things like that which are normally automatic often require some troubleshooting with Linux. Also Linux: there’s always a patch or fix somewhere.
Mostly though, it’s pretty good. And your machines run better because all the home phone bloat and trash is removed.
Well. Thank god for that, now nothing is wrong.
It was the year of the whistleblower deaths, that’s the answer.
I don’t like Bill Burr generally, but he’s spot on regarding corporate and Luigi. Corporate = modern mafia. There’s less “whacking”, as he calls it, because we’ve made most of their shenanigans legal. But, corporate (neo-Mafia?) will still “whack” a rat.
Congress could shut this down, but not for much longer.
Honestly, it looks like the mall ninja tried the skin bronzer and then tried to get rid of it after. The thing is he’s going to have to wait for the dyed skin cells to shed off to replace themselves, as they do. The face itself sheds at different rates in different areas.
This is a disturbing thought, that he is so keen on cozying up Trump he tried the look. Has he changed his hair too? I don’t keep track.
I haven’t done office in a while. The inception of the subscription model killed it completely for me. Scrivener is better organized for big projects. And there’s plenty of small word programs that get the job done for things like resumes and such, in lieu of Microsoft Word.
I had an older student office disc. Microsoft wouldn’t allow installation.
And then Adobe stealthed onto my elderly parents computer and killed all their photo files. Demoralizing to say the least. They won’t even engage their favorite hobby any more.
The enshittification is real.
That’s just it. Zuck could sell off and close shop and live large for the rest of his life. And yet he chooses to fuck around with people instead.
It’s weird.
There’s creating. And then there’s harvesting content and creations of others. The former is the only one that makes you interesting.
Your disposable income, such as it is, belongs to them. That’s why.
Draining working class with bug bites. Every sub is another swarm of insects in need of blood. You’re not supposed to notice.
Ok. Don’t eat the watches.
So, who is going to offer themselves up as bait to find out what her scam angle is?
Scammers don’t spam unless it “sticks”.