Source unknown, some sites assign it to Oppressive Silence comics by Ethan Vincent. But that website in the corner is shady
I don’t get it
Queen moves into a space that stops king from moving as you cannot move into a check. It’s a forced draw.
How is it a draw is both black bishop and king are still playing? Queen moves back, white king moves anywhere it wants and for good sake do a proper check mate
An I over analysing?
How can the queen move back when it’s the white king’s turn and he can’t move
What’s the benefit to the game of this being a draw instead of an obvious loss to white?
“You didn’t win correctly.” - Chess (The original Dark Souls-themed tactical grid-based roguelike war game)
They’ll fix it in chess 2.
Na the last patch to chess was 400 years ago. I don’t think it is being actively developed anymore.
Is this some special rule? Looks like check mate to me?
It’s a stalemate