Obviously excluding videos whose authors explicitly do not want to, or copyrighted content that could create problems for individual instances.

By doing this PeerTube could become a kind of youtube database of quality content, excluding shorts and toxic/futile videos. What do you think of this approach? Could it make PT more attractive, or would it create problems for the platform?

I’m sure many creators would do it themselves but don’t have time, or many would do it but don’t even know about the existence of the Fediverse. Perhaps you could start by making “fan channels,” with all the most important and significant videos on a youtube channel (so without having to stay up-to-date on recent releases).

  • Paulo Laureano@lemmy.plaureano.nohost.me
    21 days ago

    The “we started uploading” is a can of worms.

    At some point, the “we” will be sued unless the legal paperwork with consent from the authors is well done. Not to mention the ton of copyright materials and music that are actually licensed for use on YouTube but not anywhere else, not to mention everything that is clearly worthy of copyright strikes but YouTube failed to notice they were serving.

    While YouTube may have the legal muscle to deal with copyright infringement and appease the rights owners with some checks, a network of volunteers is not equipped to play those “games.”